
Saturday, April 22, 2023

Two weeks in Seville

 It takes place a couple of weeks after Easter, and was first celebrated in 1847. It's held in Seville and is a festival all about booths, lights, food, fun, family, friends, and fancy dress - specifically flamenco dresses, and Andalusian traditional costumes. But wait, you say, I can't get to Seville tonight! No worries, you can celebrate Feria de Abril without even leaving your couch.
Traditionally tonight is the lighting ceremony, and on you can be a part of the event, right down to the handsome devils dressed as country gentlemen and dancing divinely. This event in RL started as a horse trading event, so naturally equines, and the appropriate carriages, are peppered all over the region.

This minigrid, owned by Don Javi and hosted by Unadecal Masala, offers a home and venue for the Spanish speaking part of opensim, together with their fans and friends. 

If you're a fan of authentic destinations, and the distinct multicultural kaleidoscope within opensim, then this grid is a must visit. Plus, the dresses are to die for.
The Feria is an seafood eating , Manzanilla drinking opportunity for the city and surrounding territories to meet, greet and eat, moving from one caseta or tent/booth to another. 

It's a family friendly event, with all kinds of games and challenges, to keep kids of any age fully busy  -between sampling the solomillo, Buñuelos and montaditos, of course.
Counting calories?  The fairground is enormous, so you are bound to get plenty of exercise, and luckily the fried baby squid here is virtual - you won't put on an ounce!
Don Javi, right foreground
Don Javi and his crew have done a brilliant job in recreating a pearl of western civilization. 
The gate which plays such an important at the feria is a really well made reproduction, adding tons of atmosphere to the build, as does the music, and if you don't have the standard repertoire of Andalusian outfits - a fan, a flamenco dress, hats and breeches, and so on, there's a nifty row of freebie shops where you can stock up with essentials.
Visit the Feria de Abril soon, this is an ephemeral build, so it mirrorsthe fortnight-long RL event, after that it's gone till next year!  
Opensim needs way more Spanish events in its calendar, you'll agree - so let's hope this grid can continue to draw us in and enchant us with wonderful Iberian culture and fun!
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