Thursday, September 14, 2023

Safari goes Tropicana

To OSGrid for our second stop on this week's Safari. On hand were some Tropicana residents together with Tropicana's Mike Townsend and Blancanieves Levee, dressed for the weather - and the wildlife! 
Blanca and Mike
Mike Townsend: Thank you everyone for joining us
whirli placebo: thank you for being here!
Mike Townsend: Thank you for visiting the Tropicana Safari region on the OSgrid. Today we will take a look at this region but please feel free to come back and explore our many other regions. The Tropicana group consists of around 700 Second Life style regions. There is plenty to do and see. Most regions are 3 x3 in size so they take a while to explore. We also have two 10 x 10 regions with tropical islands and city landscapes.
Mike Townsend: Tropicana consists of a main hub and privately owned regions who all work together for the benefit of the community. You can find out more about us at

A Spirited Safari

 The spark that sets alight creativity in Opensim can come from lots of sources. A desire to celebrate favorite movie or fictional character, a vivid dream or memory, or perhaps to walk through famous landmarks from around the world and meditate on their history and culture, or relive an idealized holiday landscape. And of course, there are those who eternally orbit the interior of their underwear. 

Our first stop on this second Safari of the season was on Ignis Fatuus grid, and the build we visited is by Nadir Rae, who didn't join us, but instead the lovely Max Well, owner of the grid, took us around the build. 

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Magic in Panthalassa

Kayaker Magic, armed and dangerously clever
Our first Safari of the season continued on Discovery Grid with a... Safari destination! Lost World Safari is just one part of the vast Panthalassa region developed by Kayaker Magic. 
Take a moment to Favorite his Website, it's full of treasures, explanations, and hints.
 As you might expect the scripter extraordinaire had endlessly entertaining details for the group to enjoy, as we gathered together at the Lodge, perched high above the dinosaur enclosure. Panthalassia isn't the first 8x8 var region we have visited, but it's the first on Discovery Grid, so that may have contributed to the cloudiness, and - interestingly - selective nudity, that the group enjoyed. 


A hillside village on the edge of the sea was the first destination for the Fall 2023 season of HG Safari. We're on Discovery Grid, one of a handful of grids that require you to make a quick trip to their website to accept the terms and conditions before you teleport over. It's a small and painless step, and you only have to do it once, on your first visit, but interestingly, the idea can be off-putting for some grid jumpers. That's a shame because Discovery Grid contains some gems well worth seeing. We were on Discovery for both destinations, something that rarely happens on Safari where we tend to jump about like crazy. 
If you're thinking of opening your region to a Safari trip, that's great news! Please don't hesitate to get in contact. Please also read and review carefully the 6 main points explained on this page. They are the fruit of many years experience of group hypergridding, and will offer some simple low tech tips that will improve the Safari experience for both yourself and your visitors.
Here we are, a cloudy but enthusiastic crowd, in the main town square of Weefolkenshire
ShalHeira Nailo: I want to thank everyone for joining us today, it really means a lot

Monday, September 4, 2023

Getting Hie in Opensim

 October means beer, pumpkin spice cheesecake, leaf peeping, and gearing up for Halloween with outrageous sims and costumes. This year, add HIE to that list.  
HIE = Hypergrid International Expo
It is a weekend event from October 6 - 8 and it's part conference, part performance, part exposition. oh, and part party. It's not a music fest, although there will be music. It's not an art show, although there will be art. This is a conference and Expo where opensim residents - not 'hobbyists' or 'amateurs' but everyday users - Natives if you will - share their experiences of  life on the grids.
Maybe you know that for over a decade, each year, the English-language Opensim Community Conference allows folk from all over opensim to tell about their projects, art, inventions and work experience in opensim. 
The HIE is kind of the same, but focused on Opensim residents who are more at home in other languages - French and German, Italian and Spanish.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Safari in the Fall!

 Back on the trail! Here are some commonly asked questions or curiosities.
When is the Safari?
HG Safari returns next Wednesday, September 6 with another stellar lineup of destinations in OpenSim. We visit two different places each week, staying for an hour with each of our two hosts.
Each season of the Safari is 10 weeks long, this season will end on November 6.
Our trips begin at 12 noon Pacific time - called 'SLT' or 'Grid Time' by some. That works out as 3pm Eastern US time, 8pm in the UK, and 9pm in most of Europe.
Angkor Wat on Craft Grid
How long are the trips?

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Nyx's Numbers

 From ancient runes to modern architecture, through fortune telling and religious bliss, the mysteries of the natural and supernatural, number symbolism is a potent and pervasive thread running through so many forms of creativity and mystical thought. 
On Pangea, Nyx Breen's latest creation Zahlensymbolik - German for 'number symbolism' - places you directly on a stone hand, the palm uppermost, in a sort of nest of light. 

Sunday, August 27, 2023

The 5k of AviWorlds

A nice big crowd is assembling over the next few hours -Rogue Galaxy is the headline performer - for the big party happening over on AviWorlds today, at Club
The reason? It's all about celebrating 5000 members of the grid! 
The party is on a cute wooded island, with a super yacht moored close by, if you're in the mood for some five star floating.... 
but most of us were drawn to the tunes expertly spun by the lovely Candida Campese, who got the party started.
5000 is a huge number, and considering the grid is only a little more than 4 years old, and it was nice to see such a crowd of locals and outworlders come together to mark the event with grid owner Josh Boam. Here's what a few of them had to say.

Friday, August 18, 2023

The Art of the Wolf

 Wolf. There, quickly. What comes to mind? Perhaps the sleek fur, an indomitable intelligence, a pack working together. Or something shadowy, sinister, threatening and scary. Is the wolf for you part of the realm of the supernatural, part of endangered nature, or is it all these things? The relationship between man and wolf is as old as humanity, and wolves stalk world languages, popping up in metaphors and idiomatic expressions, proverbs and poems.
No wonder they make such a good starting point for AI art, which you can see - along with some original work by Lone Wolf, on the welcome sim of Wolf Territories Grid.
When you first arrive on Wolf Territories Grid, you'll find yourself in a circular space, full of information about how the grid works, how you can be part of it, how to get help, information, and find your way around this vast grid, which seems to be growing every day. 

Thursday, August 17, 2023

OSFest is Coming...

 Osfest is just around the corner, and people are getting busy preparing their exhibits, temporary shops, artistic installations, and theatrical and musical performances. 
A dedicated grid is being set up to host the event. There are a lot of moving parts as ever, and a theme that encompasses music, art, culture and history - plenty of scope to play with ! And  just in case you're curious, here is a little bit of a glimpse into the thoughts and experience of three participants, all doing something slightly different, to make this event shine.

 DJ Sofee is a familiar figure over on Alternate Metaverse Grid, along with the delightful Ted Junior. You may have read Sofee's monthly journal BlaBlaBla, it's full of news about AMV's people and places. Perhaps you've attended one of her FunSize Dinkie events on AMV, or seen her spinning tunes as a DJ. She's going to be part of the party at OSFest.
Sofee Giano: This year I was asked by Rosa Alekseev if I would like to DJ at the OSFest 2023 on the 26th and the 28th at 12noon for one hour on each date, I told Rosa I would love to, but going way back to 1860 to 1970 is a bit out of experience and knowledge of music for this genre and style which the OSFest is doing, so I will be playing more modern style Jazz with a twist to try to fit into this years theme. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Portugal by Tutz

Every musician likes a nice stage to perform on, but generally speaking, a visiting singer doesn't expect to have a whole sim built for them. 
That's what makes the region over on Pangea pretty and amazing, and all around pretty amazing. How did sim Portugal come to be? 

Friday, August 4, 2023

AMV's Long Weekend

Sultry summer weather. Gas prices high, and so is the mercury. You've simply got to get away. Idk, a long weekend in Calistoga, all spa and art and Eastern healing stuff and cool happenings - that sounds about right. 
If that is out of your price range - or thousands of miles out of your weekend travel range - here's a really good alternative... AMV has a long weekend of art coming up. It's going to be held from Friday 11 August through Monday. 14 August  with events all over five different regions including OpenMic Arts, The Arts, Festival of Arts, In Tribute, and AMV Special Events. 
Arrival on AMV Special Events
Cataplexia Numbers has prepared one of her super long and complete Notecards, so this post won't repeat all the info you can grab from that. Here are a few glimpses though... 

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Sweet Sixteen

Sixteen is an important milestone in any aspect of life, and OSGrid, the 'crossroads of opensim', the Test grid, and home to hundreds of residents, has reached this grand old age with the traditional parties and of course the Expo regions, all shaped like the OSGrid logo.
The expo regions are in a circle in the sea, all around Event Plaza, and contain all kinds of lively tributes to the grid, by its residents.
Matilda Charron: Osgrid is a great community home to many talented people (and creatures) from programming, scripting, wide variety of creativeness and well run events for all to enjoy. It is a great social platform and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I admire such talent and thankful to be a part of such great place and thankful for the people I call friends.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Jazzed Up in Opensim

Poppy Fields and Forest Azure organizing a Jazz and Blues Weekend and it's coming up on September 9 and 10. It's sponsored by Masala Estates, (thank you Unadecal!) and will be held on a dedicated sim, HG Jazz & Bluesfestival. It will cover both Euro and US-friendly hours, 11am - 3pm on saturday, 11am - 5pm on Sunday, for your listening pleasure.  
The full lineup of performers is: Rez Rezzal, Icky and Sum, Charice Singer, Acidicloop, Ruud vandeSande, Clan's Band, and Poppy and Forest themselves.
September is still a month away, but preparations are already well in hand, with this stage, built by Poppy Fields, featuring a great dome in dark blue, filled with stars and

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Tropicana fun!

Mike Townsend has been in opensim since way back when. If you're an oldbie, you may remember his UKTurk grid, with its freebies - such a precious resource at a time when finding content was a painful business on the HG. These days, you'll find him in his OSGrid estate, Tropicana. Hot or what. So, what's the story?
 Mike Townsend:  I have never really left OSgrid, just dabbled in other grids and moved around a bit. I guess for me the appeal of it is the building and creation of environment. And of course the friends that we meet in our travels. I don't miss having a grid of my own. Not at all. Most grids, as they get larger, become cumbersome and problematic. Tropicana was not here a couple of years ago, it is really the result of the pandemic. It was built very quickly and homes and lands were added as an afterthought, and it just grew and grew from 9 SL sized regions to around the 600 that it is today. 
Makes sense, after all OSGrid is known as the crossroads of Opensim. You can check out the

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

To the Manor Born

The best building is like the best writing - the rule 'write what you know' becomes 'build what you know'. That of course doesn't mean that people have to go to Jupiter before they can write a sci fi novel or make a Jovian EEP.  'Knowing' can be a flexible factor. Some people do lots of research, some look within themselves to find that magical harmony of design. Look at the builds on Outworldz, like Virunga, and their Alexandria build, blogged about here.  Or how about Tosha Tyran's Taj Mahal or Angkor Wat, or Dalaran, by Wendie Blackthorn over on Kinky Haven - thoroughly researched and thought through. The same goes for Nyx Breen and his Jazzland builds. Another great example is Star Ravenhurst's Land of Xzar - based on her own novel. You can think of a dozen more, no doubt. Add them in the comments section, if you'd like.
This is Serenity Manor on Serenity Grid, by Erwan Elan. If the grid name is familiar you may remember it from a post about a year ago about the Monet House. This region doesn't have the same aim at realistic precision as Monet's place, with its phenomenal attention to factual detail,  but it is a masterclass in authenticity of genre, instinctively right in tone and proportions. 

Friday, July 14, 2023

OSFest 2023

 Over the years, the idea of a general festival for all opensim has led to many entertaining events, and this year another is planned. The organizers this year are more or less the same team from last year, with Shelenn Ayres taking the lead, Banker Ibor organizing the volunteers, and Rosa Alexeev coordinating the musicians, along with many more helpers, as you can imagine.  

The festival combines space for the commercial creators in opensim to exhibit their wares, as well as many displays and installations by the Free community. People are being encouraged to organize tours and demonstrations on their builds during the festival, and they plan to have musical guests performing over a total of 60 hours during the festival's 2 week run, from September 15 to 30. 
Last year, the overall theme for OSFest was medieval/fantasy, and this year the theme for exhibitors is Jazz in all its many forms - from the Art deco period, the Roaring 20s, right up to the psychedelic 70s and beyond, and includes all kinds of cultural offshoots, from New Orleans, to South America, so there's no end of choices for how to style your build.
How can I participate? 

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Missing the Sky

 Are you the kind of person who can't wait for the next update in the Firestorm viewer, and eagerly test its many windows and menus? Or do you wait until you think it's been tweaked into reliable behavior - maybe even wait till you absolutely are obliged to update?  As grateful as we all should be by the people who do the testing and reporting of problems, it's probably fair to say that the majority of us just want the thing to work, and are not entertained by bug hunting. 
Firestorm 6.6.8 (68380) was released this January. When I finally bit the bullet and changed over to it,  it seemed a pretty painless transition. 
With one exception - all the Windlight settings were gone. Urk. 
For a few weeks I just let it slide, but eventually I had enough time to check around to see what was up with that and found this thread on the SL community page. The new way - well, not all that new, but never mind about  that - to make skies is called EEP (meaning Environment Enhancement Project) and you may have seen some stunning EEPs around opensim like this beauty...

Dew Drop Islands, by Azi Az and Danger Lytton

and this one:

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Scripted Artwork

 If you've been around Opensim for a while, you'll recognize this familiar face: Wordfromthe Wise. Yes, back in the days of Metropolis you may have experienced his fireworks region, or perhaps you remember dropping in on his Cornflakes Tribute sim during Cornflakes Week.
Word and Cornflakes were good friends, which is why  he has still owns that treasure-trove of early opensim original content.
But there's more to Word than this.
He and his scriptilliscious colleague Sixtus have a small grid where you can find some delightful creations. Called scripted artwork, it's exactly that. Everything in movement, interactive, moving, flashing and generally immersive.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Planet A with Tina Bey

 Tina Bey is one of those outstanding artists who make opensim a joy.
In OSGrid since 2010, Tina's an enthusiastic supporter if opensimulator's Test grid, and this year once again she is contributing to the  Auction event at the end of September (here's a blog post about the auction).
Tina's sometimes perceived as being a little shy, not the loudest voice in the room for sure, but she has always impressed with her willingness to explore opensim, encourage others, learn what is going on out there on the HG, and make stunning original creations. If you're a safari oldbie you may remember our visits to Arcauana back in 2016, and Waterworld in 2015. Tina's from Argentina, so her first language is Spanish, but of course, the language of her art transcends all that.
Tina's art is deeply rooted in real world cultures and issues
Auction objects are sold for real money and won't be free to copy - but that's a huge exception from Tina's usual practice.
Tina Bey: Usually my sculptures are completely free, since the spirit of opensim has been free since its beginnings. That is why I benefited from working here and moving from Second Life to work better and more freely in all aspects, including economics. This "Antarctica" region generously lends me Mazzo Ganitano, a Spanish gentleman I don't even know personally but who gives many of us the possibility of having a region free of charge. I am very grateful for so many people who have given me their regions since I started, and that is why I generally put my created objects free, like in different shopping centers, among others LANI Mall. free copy.

Friday, July 7, 2023


It's the world's 5th language, in terms of speakers, and comes in 4th for most-used language on the Internet. But in Opensim, the French speaking cohort often appears not to reflect those kinds of numbers. Minord Loup, together with friends LadyKa and Athena, would like to do something to redress the balance. 
The idea? Make it easier for people who speak French to find each other, and make opensim more attractive and user-friendly for Francophiles in Second Life who are contemplating the jump into other worlds.
It makes sense. It's already a pretty steep learning curve to leave SL for opensim if you speak English, imagine if your first language is something else. Francophones - often called 'frenchies' in this blog - are in reality from all over the world, not just France, and it can be hard for them to find a place in opensim where everyone speaks their language.
The First Thursday of the Month group
In an attempt to create a centralized point of reference, there is a once-a-month meet up for networking, catching up with the news or maybe asking for a bit of tech help, and occasionally exploring franco-friendly destinations. It's hosted by Eden Catharine on the first Thursday of each month at 9pm Paris time.  You may have seen the poster at the Safari clubhouse. If you know any French opensimmers, it would be a kindness to let them know, you can never have too many resources or friends.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Portal Palette

 The Safari is on break, but of course that doesn't mean that nobody wants to go hypergridding!  
If you're looking for company, or a music and dance event, the Beacons of opensimworld are a very handy way of finding where it's going on, just open the OSW website and look at the Regions or the Events page. 
If that's not your thing, maybe you'd like to take a tour of art regions, or some other themed trip around the metaverse.  On the HG Safari region on OSGrid, you will find some suggestions. 
These self guided tours are a low-tech and wide ranging way of exploring opensim, but because virtual worlds are always in a state of flux, with people changing grids, taking down or moving their regions, and with new regions emerging,  it's quite a task to keep the lists of Landmarks up to date.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Vive la Evolution

 Mech Lab on OSGrid, by Symphony Vive, has a cool teal vibe to it, and thrilling motto: 'are you ready for the cyborg evolution? '  If you weren't when you arrived on Mech Lab VAR region, on OSGrid, you will be very soon!

In the parlance of manga and anime, the term 'mech' or 'mecha' refers to, well, machines! Robots and large, pilotable vehicles, with their beauty lying in their complexity. 
An inspiration for Symphony is the 2011 movie Real Steel, with Hugh Jackman, Evangeline Lilly, and some rocking boxing robots. But mostly, it's just based on personal childhood dreams of futuristic builds.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Life Goes Oni

It turns out, not everyone knows that the words 'tribute' and 'obituary' aren't synonyms. Oni Kiri, perhaps best known for the freebie regions with the umbrella name Adachi, hasn't died or anything so dramatic. However, Oni has retired from opensim, and closed the grid CopyKat where Adachi was located.
Having made countless friends over a decade-long career in opensim, Oni's friends wanted to celebrate the person who had given them so much good advice, kindness, prim space, and content with an upbeat retrospective of Oni's oeuvre.  
The new sim Adachi is on Blackswan Grid, and is the brainchild of close friend  Maurice Shamroy - you'll find the HG Address at the end of the post, the sim is visitable anytime.
Maurice Shamroy by the big 'I Quit' poster on Adachi CopyKat in Blackswan  
Maurice Shamroy:  Oni has been active in virtual world for 17 years, and I understand his choice to take a break (definitive or not we will see), my self I started in SL in 2007 and created Blackswan in 2010, so for me it's very easy understand Oni's choice. I think the best way to understand  what he did is resumed in the message I published in Adachi at landing point. 
Zoey Cutie standing by the message for Oni from OSW
At the party on the Adachi region of Blackswan grid, (check out their  Flickr Gallery !!) we all read the illustrated info boards that explain the many iterations of Oni, reflecting the ups and downs and crashes and comebacks of Opensim.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Nyx's Art for Space

Every grid in Opensim has its niche, its look, its personality, and with few exceptions they're all growing or evolving one way or another. It is a treat to explore each one! 
Creating a brand new region as a public venue can take a lot of time and talent, and maybe you've thought once or twice - "Argh... I wish I could just get a really top notch builder to come in and make a really unusual venue sim."
Jazzland, on Pangea
Here is an option that might appeal! 
Nyx Breen
Nyx Breen has been making  Virtual Art creations for nearly 18 years. 
He started in SL where he was the top monthly winner in the SL-UWA Build and Art contest.  
Here in opensim, he's been busy building both on Alternate Metaverse Grid, and at the Pangea Art and Culture Festival. A hypergridder at heart, Nyx has over the past few years also participated in the OSCC (Opensim Community Conference), OSgrid's  Anniversary, the Hypergrid International Expo, and more. 
The Safari has been to visit many of his builds, so if you're a long time reader of this blog his name will be familiar to you, and our experience has always been very positive with little lag and some amazing immersive experiences. 

Lorenza's Ladies of Lit

 Lorenza Colicigno's build on sim NoiLab in Craft is the coming together of a project dear to her heart which she calls "A room of one's own - Ariadne's Labyrinth". A long name for a big build you can enjoy in diverse ways: exploring this region just for fun, because it's full of treasures with a feminist twist, or if you're in the mood for a deep dive, take a moment to soak up some serious info on women who by and large have gotten a raw deal in the pages of literary history.The build is a walk in the park, matching humor and elegance of style with a thought-provoking trail through time. It's got a circular feel - the landing point, and first writerly mentions (Hellenic lit) are a stone's throw from the Enlightenment-age Ca' Rezzonica
Castle of Isabella Morra Valsinni
Buildings abound, some of them are general representations of houses in different eras, some are much more specific, like the hilltop home of 16th century poet Isabella Morra

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Summer on Novale

 Novale, the Canadian landscape region, is up and ready for summer visitors. The islands have largely retained the form and features we've all come to love, with additions and tweaks both to the decor and the scripts, just as you'd expect.
Dabici Straulino  and Kelso Uxlay  are the imaginative inventors of this wonderland. They reccommend you use 'Shared Environment' which, just in case you don't know, is quickly achieved by clicking on the 'Quick Preferences' button at the bottom ov the viewer, and then clicking on the X next to Personal Lighting - that will remove any custom settings that may still be hanging around your sky. It's always interesting to see in what light the builder intended their world to be seen.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Patty Paranoid and the Failed TP

 It's an inconvenience that we have all experienced. 
G. de Digulleville: Pèlerinage de vie humaine, Pèlerinage de l'âme
National Library of France
You're all ready to hypergrid out of a place, ready to jump from here to there, and a little window shows up saying 'Teleport Failed' and asking you to go to the website of the destination grid, and the simple one click gesture suddenly takes on a positively Medieval flavor. 

Here's an example of the pop-up you'll see when trying to go to Kitely. You only have to do this once, on your first visit to each of the grids with this system set up. 
You may have heard people deride this event as a sort of authoritarian 'douane' or Checkpoint Charlie. Some may tell you it's an invasion of privacy, as you're asked to authenticate your avatar.
Before you - no, not you ! because you're not nuts ! - before your pal Patty Paranoia starts screaming conspiracies, let's answer a couple of questions: 

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Arts and Friends - Coming Soon

 Victoria Logan's art collective on OSGrid is opening at the beginning of July, and it's not one to miss. The build is on a region named Arts & Friends which couldn't be more appropriate. 
The landing point at Zona de Arte, a small black and gold skybox just above a mountain-ringed lagoon, is immediately enchanting, but also a huge contrast to the gallery you are about to visit. The theme of this show is 'Mujeres que ispiran...' - women who inspire, for their courage and talent. Time to TP down and see who's being feted below...
From the black and gold, to the greenery and rainbow colors of the region below. Landing on a central island, you'll find tps to all the exhibits, plus the dance zone and a cafeteria. Art appreciation is hungry work.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Osgrid Auction

The OSGrid Auction is coming ! 
This year, the  grand sales event will be from 25 September - 1st October. 
That means, if you're a creator, builder, scripter or texture maker,  now is a good time for you to create something original to contribute to the mix. The items are gathered now, put on an exhibition region where everyone can take a good look, and then auctioned off for real money to support the costs of keeping the Test grid of opensimulator on the rails.
Auction organizer Caro Fayray was on the sky platform on Echo 1. The platform is empty as of now - so - is it too soon for people to begin building, and contributing their creations to the Auction?
Caro Fayray: Not at all,  stuff can  be given anytime:)
Coordinating any big event can be a hassle, but Caro seems to take it all in her stride with unflappable good humor. Is it a complicated job?
Caro Fayray: getting  people  to  commit  and give  me stuff in  advance is a challenge,  I  have to   bug  a  lot, and  I  make over  100  textures  for all  the boards, then the Auction Lots that fit go  here, if  not, I  have  tps  to see the original  item. There is no limit on the size of the items put up for sale. From smallest  jewellery  to a complete oar  is fine:)  but  items  have to be  unique.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Bogus Curry's Grid Talk

 Bogus Curry's Opensim story is a long one. He's something of an opensim oldbie, and his avatar is pure Legacy, with warm brown eyes, and some interesting tattoos.  
We met on sim grid Talk, on Dorena's World. The region is a delightful assortment of elements, with everything from beach huts to menhirs to sea monsters and windmills, all put together by Anachron Young, the grid owner, along with the eponymous Dorena Verne.
Grid Talk region on Dorenas-world