Friday, September 20, 2024

Atlas à la Mode

It was all about the outfit, today over on Atlas Grid, on a dedicated sim called Atlas Grid Fashion ShowIf you missed it, here's a little glimpse of what went on.
The wild haired lady is Cherry Manga
The venue is a formal garden with ponds and flamingoes, framed by palm trees, with a large écru-colored  Maison de Maître in the background - the departure point for the mannequins.
Harthelie Atlas, with Mike Helsing and the evening's MC, Chip Atlas
The fashion choices were all selected by Harthelie thanks to her many freebie shopping expeditions all over the hyperverse.
The show kicked off with a selection of swimwear and then moved through casual to formal wear for men and women, all leading up to the bride in pink, who was moving at quite a pace around the circuit. Runaway on the runway? Could be!
There were 90+ NPCs on display, each dressed and styled differently, and appropriately for their outfits you can imagine, getting ninety complete wardrobes together and not having two the same is no mean feat!
Jeff Kelley
 The Scripter of all this was Jeff Kelley, and two giant screens on either side of the courtyard garden made it easy for anyone to follow the event. Watching the NPCs strut their stuff, with pauses and twirls along the way was impressive! As was the nice turnout of mostly French speaking folks.
No NPCs were hurt in the making of this fashion show.
As a grand finale, all the outfits were paraded one last time, to great applause from everyone who attended as well as a lot of hilarity, gallic style. Really smooth ride for all these models, for the comfortably seated public, and congratulations to the team for once again pulling off an impressive show.

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