
Sunday, August 11, 2024

3rd Wind, 3 Months In

 The 3rd Wind steering committee had just finished their meeting in the Infinity Classroom,  and were getting ready for the weekend community meet-up.  How lovely to be back at the Lyonesse Colony, now located on Zetaworlds grid.
It has been just about three months to the day since 3rd Rock, one of Opensim's oldest grids, closed its doors due to a series of events that had nothing to do with the solidarity and friendship of the residents.

As a group, they decided to find a new home (you may have read a bit about that process in this post). It's a story worth telling because, out of what could have been a huge tragedy, has come a great success story.It was so nice to meet up with old friends and new, the elected members of the 3rd Wind community steering committee. 
The committee includes Jedburgh Dagger, Ellemir Maven, Kestral Roffo, plus Dolfke Barbosa, who is Chief Security Officer in the Star trek Infinity group, and also there to help solve any issues 3rd Wind members may experience on the new grid. Then too there's Nila Mari who's the 3rd Wind Treasurer,  and produces the Starfleet Infinity Newsletter. And finally Alia Soulstar -  she is tireless in her work for the Starfleet rp group and the wider 3rd Wind community, doing a lots of building, organizing, researching and planning.
Kestrel Roffo, Nila Mari, and Dolfke Barbosa
Alia Soulstar: Nila is a community asset who just happens to be a lovely person on the side
Dolfke Barbosa: Nila does a few excellent jobs here for us all - we have a newsletter too, right Nila?
Nila Mari: for Starfleet Infinity we do
Dolfke Barbosa: Due to Alia's and others great work, I am able to call this here home again, Thirza, and much from 3RG is imported here, Land as well as Avatars
Touring the Starfleet Infinity build, you'd be forgiven for feeling nothing had changed for this RP group. In reality, after it became abundantly clear that the old grid couldn't be saved, a huge amount of work had to be done retrieving .oars, rethinking the way the new regions would be laid out, and transferring personal and group inventory. That was after the group did plenty of research and some serious thinking before choosing their new home, an enclave on ZetaWorlds grid. 
Alia Soulstar: I am surrounded by all my old friends from 3RG and I am making lots of new ones here so I'm really happy.... we were able to pick up where we left off seamlessly. It still feels like the same grid in lots of ways.
Nila Mari: it really does
Dolfke Barbosa:  it was a huge task to transfer all those thing ... I have to say, for me its much more agreeable not to have to care for the functionality of the Grid, as Zeta does that now for us.
Alia Soulstar
The 3rd Wind community and enclave is a great example for others facing similar challenges. It's worth doing your homework to find a grid that fits your needs. Luckily, opensim really has something to fit everyone's lifestyle and pocket!
Jedburgh Dagger: As a proof of concept it shows that it can be done with the proper planning and technical resources
Jedburgh Dagger
So, what has been the general mood in these first hundred days or so of life in Zetaworlds? While 3rd Wind is an enclave in the grid, they're far from isolationists, and so I was curious to know hoe they are enjoying being part of a bigger community.
Ellemir Maven
Ellemir Maven: I am enjoying being on a well run grid.
Dolfke Barbosa: Personally I am welcomed by the Zeta inhabitants very friendly
Kestral Roffo: I love my 3rd family and I have so much fun.
Jedburgh Dagger: We've had an uptick in event attendance, and we can attend Zeta parties too, there are many at Stark and co
HAL9000 build on sim Khamsin
That includes inviting their fellow Zetaworlders, and anyone else from across the HG, to come to a special party at the HAL9000 build, which is now located on a VAR region called Khamsin. You may remember when we toured this build on Safari with the sound engineer Lorin Tone, who collaborated extensively with Alia to create a great cinematic experience.
Dolfke Barbosa: we have events almost every day of the week here, and the day's we don't have our own events, Zeta Grid has plenty of them going on for us to attend, they are very well attended, Thirza
Alia Soulstar: we invite them to our stuff and attend their events... that sounds a bit us and them... I think we integrate pretty well, everyone is friendly. Obviously we have a bunch of aims that are exclusive to us. We strongly push creativity, arts and education, but I think they are common themes throughout Opensim
Thirza Ember: Speaking of arts.... I see many familiar sights here, but I guess there are some differences too. For example, the old Nuna region no longer exists - but the gallery is still here, right? I love the NUNA website, by the way.
Alia Soulstar: Nuna is on Sirocco, it's still here
Dolfke Barbosa: Its integrated in a bigger Region now. We have bigger Regions here at Zeta, they may include more than one former Land
Alia Soulstar: The set up here with community lands are larger regions (7x7s or bigger) with clusters of related areas on them
Dolfke Barbosa: 
Alia Soulstar: Sirocco is a core region, it has the town hall for meetings, Nuna, a shopping zone, education area and the Bunny Club
Ellemir Maven: Bunny Club being vital to our operations
'Downtown' Sirocco on Zetaworlds has 3rd Wind community buildings
Thirza Ember: So after the whirlwind months at the beginning of this year, it looks like you guys are settled in! Looking back, what can you say about the experience?
Alia Soulstar: The tech issues that plagued 3RG and ultimately closed it are not issues here, that is a big tick. Vincent [Sylvester] indicated that they would accommodate the needs of the RPers and that has been the case, and we have been given a lot of autonomy, which is actually wise from Zeta. They know that collectively we have the acumen to solve most of our own issues so we bother them less.
Thirza Ember: So how can people find out about upcoming events?
Dolfke Barbosa: we have a 3th Wind calendar with our events, Thirza
Nila Mari:
Cultural Harbour region in Second Life
And for those of us who also enjoy events over in SL, don't forget "SL Nuna",  home to the Cultural Harbour Programme,  which has three art shows coming up - one on Prehistoric art, another about Michelangelo, and a third about the beautiful visual art of music scores. All this plus an art performance by Rage Darkstone, planned for September.

HG Addresses: 
Starfleet Infinity build,     

 3rd Wind Community Hub Community Hub, 

 The NUNA art gallery,

HAL9000 (2001 Space Odyssey) build,  

You can visit their Second Life base here:

1 comment:

  1. Thats a very nice interview you published my dear Thirza, thank you very much for it, and yea, we do LIKE it here at Zeta !
