
Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Through a Glass, Darkly

What does it mean to be mirrored?
Reflect upon it. The photo, the drawing, the video clip - we often hardly recognize ourselves so seen, so replicated. Yet in the looking glass, where everything is backwards, we find our true face, our true form. 
And sometimes, we are lucky enough to find a mirror for more than the external. That's the beauty of Rage Darkstone's latest opus, Mirrored, opening on Wednesday at 1pm SLT on Pangea grid - the HG address is of course at the end of the post.
In a dark room hovering above the land at about 2000m, shadows of the world appear, a tumbled tower of bodies... what are they?  discarded identities, ex friends, other lives, the troubling turbulent world that swirls around us all, perhaps. and above them, breaking free, alone yet together: the couple. matched, united, mirrored.
Passion, doubt, serenity, emotions jolting and overarching each other flow through the figures that jostle each other, demanding their moment in the light. The jagged edge of creativity  push out in many of these meshes, insisting that the end has not yet been reached, there will always be more planes and vectors flying the red-eye between Blender night and inworld .dae
Hold on, we're not there yet.
Then you notice this holding, this twisting and flexing, the many revolutions of relationship and representation... it's really all about support.
A lyric to a mirror-mate, who lifts and protects 
Arm raised, wings spread defying the gravity f doubt or despair, a powerful, positive presence, scarily so, perhaps - but aren't all take-offs a bit alarming? This is mirroring at its best, most analog, most bewilderingly joyful. The match has been made, and strengths and weaknesses juxtaposed to create the necessary equilibrium to go forward, embracing difference, reversals, and uncertainty.
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

"Mirrored" an installation by Rage Darkstone    opens Wednesday 31 May at 1pm Pacific Time
HG Address: Darkstone's Atlantis

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