
Friday, May 26, 2023

CapCat Conference

 On Craft grid this Friday CatCat Ragu hosted an interesting conference about art and education, in Portuguese and Italian, with a powerful rl/vw crossover. 
It was partly inworld, partly in Zoom  -  the inworld bit was held on the lovely IPVerso region. This is the second year the conference has been held here, and the region is well worth a visit any time, conference or not.
Region IPVerso
Those of us participating inworld (there were about 30 present by my count) convened in a twisted, granite textured quasi-spherical building, floating above the region. In the vast interior, classical amphitheater style seating was provided.
Lots of brand new Portuguese Craft citizens (students and some teachers, this was after all an academic exercise) were present, and it was very entertaining to watch them having fun figuring out how to move their avatars, and in some cases how to mod the heck out of a legacy avie's shape -  a nice reminder there was once a time when sitting and flying were something out of a brave new world !
The event is officially explained this way: "The IPVerso simulator was built in the scope of the IPV Project Inova e Inclui IPV 12 activity 6 Education and Co-creation in Metaverse in a mixed approach. n this 2nd Seminar Cycle we will have the pleasure to receive a set of personalities, Portuguese and Italian, who have been dedicated to the study of the digital age, to listen to them and debate with them the impact of digitalization on society, education and culture."
The great cave-like space of the auditorium
 The seminar falls under the umbrella of the Portuguese POCH which stands for  Programa Opercaional Capital Humano, where the 'human capital' is the investment we can make in people, through education, thought, and the arts.
The first talk was "Impacts of the digital age on socialization and social fabric -exclusions, dependencies, democracies". by Pedro Coutinho who wasn't present inworld, while later speakers, included Rosanna Galvani and Lorenza  Colicigno who were both in the audience. The full list is in the final image, below.
Rosanna Galvani and Lorenza Colicigno
 Rosanna's and Lorenza's talks, translated and read out by Lux Tergeste, were in English, and covered the cultural part of the seminar - Lorenza's was about her 'City of Women' project, and Rosanna presented the Manifesto of her Museo del Metaverso. I asked her why she had agreed to be part of the event.
Lux Tergeste presenting the slideshow on the Museo del Metaverso
Rosanna Galvani it/en: firstly because it is an event that crosses national borders, also because it is organized by a Portuguese Art Institute, last but not least is that CapCat Ragu has been an Artist in Residence in the Metaverse Museum for a long time and every time I invited her to an exhibition, she always agreed to participate with enthusiasm. She even involved two of her students, who participated with her in the collective Arena 2020.

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