
Sunday, October 23, 2022

Creative Mode

Wir Machen Mode !

 Loru Destiny has been incredibly busy in the last few months, and it all paid off yesterday night at the fabulous Fashion Show (German Modenschau) on her home grid ArtDestiny, attended by an incredible 64 persons.

Loru Destiny

Safari goers will recall this grid for the beautiful paintings of Loru's partner Tryad, the subject of a trip back at the beginning of the year (he was also a participant in the Pangea Art and Culture Festival in the Spring). We returned to the grid to hear a concert by Moses Rau, and made a tour of some of Stormy Scorpio's Start Trek regions, including memorable Vulcan and Klingon homesteads. 
This time the lights were up for the art of Loru, not only as an accomplished designer of clothes but also as a fantastic organizer. Pulling together the community is always a challenge, but it's one she excels in, and this beautiful event on a dedicated sim showcased seven German makers of fashion in opensim.

The event puts the lie to two fallacies that are commonplace when talking about content in opensim - firstly that there's no original content in opensim - these creators (and they are far from being the only ones in the HG) put in hours of time and tons of talent into the things they make. The second theory - popular among people trying to make money I guess - is that free stuff that's not ripped is of inferior quality. Again, not true. 

Loru involved six designers in her event Chubby Dagostino - Ankabi-grid, Klarabella Karamell - Dorenas-world, LyAvain Swansong - Dereos, Juno Rowland -Dorenas-world, Vivienne Clary - Dereos, Logi Marabana -Osgrid, with Loru herself being the seventh designer featured.

The clothes were modeled by Juno Rowland, Loru Destiny, Hans Wurst, Kai Baer, Marina Baer, Icelady Pearl, Klara Karamell, Cosa Wiefel,  LyAvain Swansong, Arielle Delamerlibre, Vivienne Clary, Kiki Bailey, and Logi Marabana. Spike Sol was the compere for the event, and for the afterparty, music was supplied by DJane Brucha.

Loru Destiny: I am very relieved and proud. There was no fixed concept when we started, no building or a ready made hud. We made all by ourselves. This was a ambitious project. And it was, what I dreamed of: different people with many talents and skills develop a event, work together, discuss, feel responsible for every step till the final - the show and party. 

The clothes will shortly be available in the respective stores of the various designers, news on that will be available in coming days on Social Media and inworld, so look out for that. After so much work, how does Loru feel on the day after?

Loru Destiny: To stay in touch, find the right date for meetings etc. was one of the bigger problems, but we made it. I am thankful to all. I am also thankful to the audience. So many people accepted the invitation. They were curious, of course, but I'm sure they also wanted to show us  that they appreciate our efforts. Being active, creative together with others - that's the basic idea of opensim - and we could experience it. 


  1. The items worn at the Fashion show can be found at the following outlets, thanks to Loru destiny for the information.
    Chubbys Boutique: Norge
    Marina MB Creations: Ocean Plaza Shopping
    LyAavain Swansong: Sandbox
    Vivienne Clary: Mall
    Klarabella Karamel: :8002:meshmatsch
    Loru Destiny:
    If you are interested in Juno's Ensembles, please feel free to contact: Juno Rowland,
