Our second destination for Safari this week was in
Paris! What a fantastic venue on NewLifeItaly grid which despite the name s home to people from many parts of the world and different languages. HG Address at the end of the post, as always.
In case you don't know, you can find out about upcoming Safari trips by joining our group in
Facebook, or by checking the Events calendar in Opensimworld, where it clearly tells you which will be our first and second destinations each time.
I generally send out a reminder in the OSgird group for HG Safari about an hour before our trips, but since the event attracts interest from many grids, not just that one, social media is a much better way to stay informed. The glamorous and versatile sim owner AnaMari Maggi met us at the sim's starting point, and we also had the company of a big group of locals, including the sim builders, Nadir and Max.
AnaMari Maggi, the region owner |
Anamari Maggi[it→en]: good evening everyone
Nadir Rae[fr→en]: Welcome to all of you, remember to accept the translator and put your native language there please
Angel Dark[it→en]: hi welcome everyone to Paris
Thirza Ember: Nadir you look so cute, very Parisienne- nice baguette!
Nadir Rae: yes I am a Parisian and I have a newsboy near me
It took us a little while to rez, because we came into a large crowd of welcoming NewLifeItalians, there to join the tour. While the region is owned by AnaMari Maggi, the tour was conducted by Nadir Rae, who together with Max Well of Ignis Fatuus Grid, brought the sim into being. We met outside the sim's reconstruction of Notre Dame.
Nadir Rae, our guide - easy to see in the crowd |
Nadir Rae: Friends tonight I'm going to be your tour guide we will discover this place together, Welcome to all of you on the New life Italy grid. We thank Thirza for choosing this place for which Max and I have a particular attachment. Thanks also to Adry, the owner of the Grid. This evening we offer you a unique tour of the memories of Ana who, born in another country, lived her childhood there. This sim is an interpretation of our capital and not an exhaustive restitution. I insist on this point

Nadir Rae: Ah Paris… French capital of gastronomy and love, Paris enjoys an incomparable historical and cultural heritage. This is what the millions of tourists who come to visit Paris each year appreciate. But it is not enough to be a foreigner to love Paris, because even if you live in the capital, it is not uncommon to be surprised by discovering or rediscovering one of the wonders that the city has to offer. With so much to see and do in Paris, it's difficult to put together a list that gets to the essentials while still having a realistic experience of everything Ana's sim has to offer.