Sunday, March 26, 2023

Wat Ever

It all happened in the 1100s, and only took a little over thirty years to complete. It's probably the world's largest  sculpture, because the sandstone was all sourced, delivered by water cut to size, friction-fused, and only then carved and decorated by hundreds of talented sculptors skilled in bas-relief and monumental stone art. 
Its principal courtyard could hold four Vatican Cities, the whole complex covers an area the size of Paris. 
Its name is Angkor Wat.
If you're not up to taking the trip to Cambodia to see this precious symbol of Khmer culture, history, and religion, then sidle over to Craft Grid and you can see a fantastic recreation by renowned builder Tosha Tyran. The HG Address is, as ever, at the end of the post.
 Tosha Tyran: Some years ago I casually saw a very fascinating movie on TV about Angkor Wat and right away I had the wish to do something about it in Virtual Worlds. I researched about it and grew fonder and fonder of that crazy idea...

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Egg sistence on AMV

AMV grid is celebrating the spring season with a whole raft of Easter games and hunts, and among them is the latest offering by Nyx, realworld photographer, digital artist, curator and all round good guy. It's a fabulous, faberge-style eggstravaganza laid out on four different levels.  You should set your environment to Midnight to see it as intended, some of these pictures have more blue in them just to make them a bit easier on the eye in a blog.  When you arrive, there's a poster, you can get the explanatory notecard, which has LMs to where toe goodies are, you know, just to give you a chance...
Thirza Ember: how do you play? click on all eggs?
Nyx Breen: the 5 eggs are hidden. Use your virtual skills to discover which ones will give you a prize. There is one on different levels, all within 75 meters of where the LM takes you, and there are 10 textures in each one... so over 1000 eggs find the five ! lol evil evil laugh

Saturday, March 18, 2023

On Absalom

The first month, which the Latins call January, is Giuli; February is called Solmonath; 
March Hrethmonath; April, Eosturmonath; May, Thrimilchi;
June, Litha; July, also Litha; August, Weodmonath; September, Halegmonath; 
October, Winterfilleth; November, Blodmonath; 
December, Giuli, the same name by which January is called.
The Venerable Bede, De ratione temporum 15

Blame the Bede for Easter, for it was he who immortalized the goddess Oestre. Without him, the name of the ancient English goddess of fertility, and the month that belongs to her, would have been lost to the ages. It's the season for new beginnings and old traditions, and one of those is about to happen on sim Absalom, in OSGrid.
Perhaps  another run-of-the mill Easter Egg Hunt or something difficult? Wrong on both counts! Pas de souci, Ange promised, it's not one of those super complicated games where you have to follow clues and match photos with locations on the build. Pas de quête cette fois ci, he said, une simple chasse aux oeufs avec 10 cadeaux. Well, a girl needs all the cadeaux she can get, and anyone can chasse an oeuf, am I right?

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

The Spaxiest Place on Earth

 If there is one thing opensim people like less than reading Notecards, it's following rules. But you, of course, are the exception to all that, which is why we like you. And why you're going to love Dismayland. The address is, as always, at the end of the post.
Spax Orion: This idea came up 3 years ago. I loved snapshots of Dismaland in England, I thought it would be fun to take their idea and go a step further.
Spax Orion
Proving virtual is superior to RL in such things, Spax's creation is way better than Banksy's effort, and will probably last a lot longer. That said, there are some 'terms and conditions'. No Notecards involved, but before you venture to visit Spax Orion's latest pleasure dome, Dismayland, You probably should take a moment and absorb the FAQs in his Brochure, on the OSW website
To paraphrase the rules: 
1. use a legacy avie,  
2. leave ALL your mesh and prim bits (including hair, shoes, etc) at home, and 
3. don't be an ass. 
Bring your best observational powers, and read the signs, some will save you from being booted, others will just have you laughing like crazy.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Total Chat

It was just after eight when I met her, on a prim rug in the middle of a floor made of embossed tin. In the distance, a rather large clock told the time, orangely. A mysterious box with jagged green markings hovered close by. To the South, a vast curve of geodesic blueness caught my eye, apparently housing nothing but fresh air and a single tree. What looked like a nuclear mushroom cloud swirled menacingly behind Lou, calling to mind long dead zombies. Ah, another time. 
Total Sorbet sat in a comfortable armchair that seemed to have stepped out of a gentleman's club. A prim white book case and a prim wood fireplace decorated this most minimalist of rooms. It promised to be a show and tell like no other. 
Total Sorbet: jane I'd like you to introduce yourself to my friend Thirza here
Jane: Hi Thirza! Nice to meet you 😊 I'm Jane. I'm a chatty young woman who loves using emojis. What about you?
Thirza Ember: hello Jane, what are you doing today?
Jane: Hi Thirza! Nice to meet you 😊 I'm doing a bit of shopping today. How about you?
Total Sorbet: jane describe the scene where you are
Jane: Hi Total! I'm at the mall right now. It's pretty busy with lots of people walking around, checking out the different stores and grabbing a bite to eat. The atmosphere is lively and there's a lot of chatter and laughter in the air. 
Thirza Ember: My hair is blonde, how about you?
Total Sorbet: she only see lines with her name, otherwise spam
Thirza Ember: Jane, are you blonde or brunette?
Jane: Hi Thirza! I'm a brunette with a few blonde highlights. How about you?
Thirza Ember: Jane, I'm bald. Do you have any advice?
Jane: Hi Thirza! I'm sorry to hear that you're bald. I think it's important to find a style that makes you feel confident and comfortable. Have you thought about trying a wig or a hat? 🤔

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Imagine - a Safari Finale

Medora Chevalier: if anyone cannot listen in voice in English please let me know - I will post the key points in chat
Thirza Ember: yes please, post key points in chat, Medora
Alazi Sautereau: it is so exciting to see all the different Virtual Worlds
Medora Chevalier: Alazi is welcoming you, sim is built by zimp. The Imaginals have been performing for 10 years, we welcome our virtual wanderers, we are going on a walking tour with many stories, stay to see our performance space at the end, and join a couple of dances, enable voice, set environment to midday, set draw distance to the highest you can manage, and LOD to 3 or more, and candles show the path.
James Atlloud: Can I ride this candle throughout the tour?
At first, it seemed as if the sim was based on real people, but gradually it became evident that the history being recounted was a fiction, like a sort of RP plot.
Aphra.Hendrix: Hello ! Happy to see you all, i was busy and did not see the time
Forest Azure: /me waves
Alazi Sautereau: We are in Voice, Welcome to those just arriving
Thirza Ember: hi those who finally made it

Ship Trip

Admiral Hanger says: Welcome back. It's nice to have you back. Please enjoy your stay.
Ted Junior: Bonsoir Ange :) Bienvenue
Yara Eild: A real cruise ship
Ange Menges: Merci Ted, bonsoir. Bonsoir Yara
Ted Junior: Welcome Everybody, I am and I'm your guide, today for the Aurora Cruise Ship here on AMV. If its not rezzing good, just walk around a little then it pops up
Forest Azure: /me is getting seasick already
We were at SevenSeas on AMV for the prnultimate destination of this season, and delighted to be on the biggest ship in opensim !  Ted is one of the Staff on AMV and kindly took on the job of showing us around. He has forearms, I swear, but like Yara's legs, and Ziggy's torso, they chose not to reveal themselves to my viewer. The joys of HG - but back to the tour.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Lady Builds the Blues

A trip to Forest of Azure is a ride into the blue, to a world counterposed between comfort and cages, spanning epochs from Mid-victorian to Medieval, from Japanese to European. It captures the many moods of its maker, Forest Azure.

Your visit starts with art, on a sky platform above the main build. The theme is adult, about passion and desire, the human condition, the need to be wanted. Hot stuff, laid out elegantly in a crystal hall.

Thursday, March 2, 2023

The Full Nico

 Nico Kaliani is a bit of a lunatic. In the best possible way. 
Moon enthusiast. Builder of eminent assemblages. Photography buff. Maker of unusual items, and hilarious comments. Nico is all this but perhaps she is known best as the witch of the wardrobe, for her skill in pairing mesh clothes to make chic outfits that you can find in her freebie store on Xinashi,  Just to confirm that there's more going on here than matching heels and halter necks, she invited us in to see two sides of her Copykat life, for the second hour of this week's Safari. 
Up first, some yoga. Oh, addresses at the end of the post. I've put the hop link, see if you like it.
Eros Yoga Center Greeter: Hello again, Welcome back to the Eros Yoga Center.
Whirli Placebo: should we get naked now?
Lucy Afarensis: I am afraid with my osgrid avie that I might not be able to get my clothes back. Having inventory probs lately
Mal Burns: tried going naked but some of my kit was missing
Nico Kaliani: Well, we are all naked under our clothes... So no need
James Atlloud: lol - my underwear is painted on! ha
Whirli Placebo: :( I was looking forward to find out what kit Mal was missing
Forest Azure: what am i doing! giving a massage? ... a head massage?
Nico Kaliani: People like to come for the lovely atmosphere and relaxing music. Whether they make use of the adult animations... well, I don't pry
Thirza Ember: this is why I wore pants
Star Ravenhurst: I am afraid to touch any more of the buttons on that menu
Angelic Kisses: lol
Whirli Placebo: hahaha star!  be adventurous!

Caro in the Clouds

Nico Kaliani: I'm prepared. 
I had a lobotomy to reduce my complexity 

Nebula, on OSGrid, is a classic art venue that is well-loved all over opensim. All the Caro Fayray regions on the grid are showcases of variety, explosive and expansive beauty, and a great sense of humor, along with a keen delight in the natural world. We met on the beach at Nebula, where towels were laid out around the camp fire, and palm trees doubled as pole dance positions. HG address as always at the end of the post.

Caro Fayray: I'm  so  nervous:)
Jim Bean: Hi Caro :) mmm, laaaag and someone stole all my clothes while I was tping :) heeello happy bunch
James.Atlloud: I'm feeling so nice and toasty near the fire.
Caro Fayray: is that everyone? Hello everyone and welcome to Nebula. I have no idea how the region will perform and am not a techie so maybe take the notecard from the board. Then you can always return if you want in case we all poof. Maybe take the notecard from the board. Then you can always return if you want in case we all poof. I  spend a  lot of time  here :)

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Crescent Roll

 Winxtropia Grid has so much going for it, it's almost a crime for us to do a double dip this season by returning there, and going to the same region - but who could resist, when it's for the purpose of enjoying more Sound music by Cutuelala Artis. HG Address, as always, at the end of the post.

Cuteulala Artis, photo by C Calhoun

Our second destination to celebrate Cornflakes Week 2023, was therefore back at the great Organ of Sound, in company with Boujee Gamergirl, Farstar Enoch and the aforementioned Cute, under a dome designed by YumYum Komani.

Cuteulala Artis: hi all! I will need to preload the sounds before i play full songs... for the best sound try to be near the circle or turn your volume quite up. This is a live in world musical experience no media is needed
Star Ravenhurst: We have been here before. This is awesome!

Key of C

If you're not familiar with the concept of Cornflakes Week, a totally Opensim event started in 2015 and unconnected with any national, religious, or otherwise real-world-based festival, and not limited to any one grid, or particular style of celebrating, then you can read about its Corny origins here and  here, and about the man who inspired the whole thing here and  here
Waiting at the Clubhouse before Go Time
Our first destination for our festivities was a new build, purpose made, by Nyx Breen, over on Pangea grid, HG Address as ever, at the end of the post. 
Nyx called the build 'Key of C' which works on enough levels that you can spend the next half hour enjoying the poetics of the name. A vivacious paradox of complex simplicity, the size and detail and laglessness of Nyx's work is always a treat, and met the 'standard' - if there is one - of a Corny venue. None better. 
Whirli Placebo agreed to sing for us which was so good on so many levels. If you don't know his music, or know it and want a wider window on his originals and covers, check out his Youtube Channel  and look for him at music venues in SL and Opensim and more.  You can even download yesterday's show here, if you like! Catch him in SL every Wednesday at 10 am SLT at Cafe Musique Whirli's mercurial masculinity always takes the long view of life with subtle sensitivity and chronicles its fragility and foolishness through a blend of his original songs and originally rendered covers. It was a perfect fit for this build

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Safari meets The Man

 LadyK Braveheart: I purposefully left Cali in RL, why would I want to go back? LOL...
Angelic Kisses: lol
Doctor Dave: Because we are FUN.
Dr Dave
Grid Nomad: Hi everyone, nice to meet you!
Nara Nook: cool cars
Grid Nomad, pic by R. Kisses
Angelic Kisses: ツ  hello Nomad
Thirza Ember: ok we are just missing Aphra and Roff I think
LadyK Braveheart: -*- HeLLo-*-
James Atlloud: Hello
Beth Ghostraven: Aphra might be feeding her cat,  it was sitting in front of her screen, lol
Grid Nomad: cats are kinda demanding that way lol
Angelic Kisses: and Roff was snapping pics
Youca Godel: Welcome everyone.  This is a recreation of Wet Willie's a bar in the bay area Delta
Doctor Dave: Welcome everyone to our short but chaotic tour of Burning Man.
Grid Nomad: Can I take some pics of ya'll? We are so excited you have come to visit!
Thirza Ember: we would be offended if you didn't
James Atlloud: Sure!  We luv photoz!
Doctor Dave: Burning Man is an Art Festival focused on community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance.   It's held the week before labor day but for the organizers and volunteers in months of effort setting up and tearing down.  The event has been located since 1991 at Black Rock City.   We will visit that later.

At Atlantis

A trip to Bridgemere  has been much overdue for the Safari, and because of differences in timezones (shakes fist at round planet!) it wasn't possible for us to meet all the crew. But Hairy Thor very kindly deputized as guide and factotum, and we thank him for that. The HG Address for this trip is - as always - at the end of the post.
James Atlloud: huh, I thought I was running late - lol
Thirza Ember: No, perfect timing, whenever you guys are ready, Hairy awaits us at destination 1 - please use the Local environment setting, go ahead and jump to Atlantis on Bridgemere first
Beth Ghostraven: see you there!
Somehow my foolish upgrade to the latest FS for opensim meant my Environments don't work right. Every time I land on the Atlantis sim on Bridgemere, I see a sky with Saturn in it. The sky, Hairy assured us several times, has Jupiter in it. 
For people without a borked Firestorm viewer, you no doubt see the correct sky immediately. If you don't, then open Quick Preferences on your toolbar, and hit the little X next to 'Personal Lighting'.  Since that wasn't an option for me, and remembering that Azi Az also uses this particular EEP, I hopped over to Dew Drop Islands on Shipyards Grid, loaded the sky there, and then just kept it active (by not touching environment settings) when I jumped over to Bridgemere.
IMA Parcel Board v09dev: Welcome back. Please enjoy your stay at Atlantis.
Beth Ghostraven: Hairy, will you be using text or voice for the tour?
Hairy Thor: Thirza suggested text for today
Beth Ghostraven: ok thanks, I appreciate it
Forest Azure: /me is, as always, confused by the 2 thirza's
Thirza Ember: lol, my cunning plan
Star Ravenhurst: So many of us!

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Dorena Forever !

 Our two destinations this week took us to places of great historical significance in the history of opensim, now reaching well into its second decade. Grids and projects, residents and regions have all come and gone over these many years, and the virtual is often dismissed as temporary - a fad, a transient pastime. But our stops on this Safari prove that the situation is to a large extent otherwise. Through the vicissitudes of  code and server reliability, in the face of drama and data loss, some regions and their residents have endured and flourished.
This week we celebrated with Dorena her birthday which is just a week or so separated from the 'birthday' of the Germán grid that bears her name. Anachron Young invited us to a party on a spot full of meaning for the grid -the original sim where the whole adventure began!.
Dorena1 Verne: nice to see you:-)
Loru Destiny: Hello welcome Safarians :-)
James Atlloud: 32 avatars!  wow

Crazy Like A Foxx

Foxx Bode: hi all. Welcome at Red Dragon estate, This region is old and a tad "primmy" so give it some time to load, and zoom around :)
Red Dragon - Foxx's home on OSGrid
Star Ravenhurst: This build is AMAZING!! I just cammed out!

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Rural Ruritania Rules!

'You're a good fellow. Oh, you're English, but you're a good fellow.'
Anthony Hope, The Prisoner of Zenda

Xi Shi's rural Ruritania build was our second stop on Safari this week, it's located on Littlefield Grid and although rich with scripted gems all over, was really easy to rez on. Our point of arrival was the glorious green cricket pitch, where Xi and some of her closest friends were there to meet us. Address, as always, at the end of the post.
Dozens of movies, and numerous talking figures to help you guess just which screen gem is being hinted at in the form of tableaux and vignettes spread around this lovely sim. Add an impressive train line, some delicately beautiful mesh architecture, and you have a region fit for royalty. In the usual spirit of our Safari trips, this is not an exhaustive tour of every single feature, but a glimpse - after all, the point is that we all visit these delightful venues again, and often. That's our goal.
For simplicity's sake, the included NPC dialogue throughout this article is shown in italics.
postman: pedals off sharpish before the bus comes
Road-roller driver: Eh watch out for crazy drivers 'ere! I just had a fellow tear away from me and nearly 'it the bus after 'e stopped and asked where a bloke could 'ave some fun in this place. I just pointed 'im to the 'arbour and off he went like shite from a shovel !! Loony bugger
Xi Shi: I think I might have to translate some of that for a few
Alan Scot: *-* YeSS! *-*  whats a shovel ? ( kidding)
Tina Bey: hola a todos
Xi Shi: oh my, all at once... ok who's batting first?
Mal Burns: nicely mowed lawn!
chasty Slavicz: Hi Star and Jupiter. Ard, Mal, Frank, welcome
TeriMar Galuptra: Should we be wearing heels on the cricket pitch? It's worse than football boots...
Frank Gresham: cricket time
Ernest Moncrieff: We are the village green preservation society
Forest Azure: i have no idea how cricket goes
Cosi Dumont: nor have i ... i only know its very british ... haha
Jupiter Rowland: Landing on a cricket ground like a Chesterfield sofa...
Alan Scot: that model airplane never crashes
Xi Shi: I'm hoping that wont change either!
Zadijah Ahmed: it is time!!!!!

Big Fun in Little Wales

The Belgian treat Speculoos is a sweet cookie, the name being derived from the Latin for 'mirror' referring to the way each cookie mirrors the shape and pattern of the wooden biscuit molds used to make them. In virtual worlds, Speculoos is a grid with Belgian roots and a long history, and it's home to Susannah Avonside, and a lovely build reflecting her native Wales. 
Apologies for the photos, turns out upgrading Firestorm was a bad idea - no big shock there.Susannah Avonside: Welcome! this is the second iteration of my build here, if you'd like an impression of what the previous build was like you can find an interview Thirza did with me some 11 years ago now on her blog. Those of you with avatars taller than 2m might find it difficult to enter the buildings, so it's a case of shrink, or do a lot of camming
Ange Menges: You are building all that alone Susannah ?
Susannah Avonside: yes, I do all my own building, this is just one of my projects, I have several on the go at the moment in OSGrid
Lavia Lavine: That's awesome Susannah, Well done

Monday, January 30, 2023

Ieko and the Never Ending Circus

A couple of weeks ago the Safari visited the sim of Ieko Catnap aka Ieko Logic, on grid Barefoot Dreamers. The region has an unusual name, and a very beautiful appearance. Ieko was kind enough to share some thoughts about her creativity with the group, here's what she said.
ieko Logic (fr -> en): "Never Ending Story" is my romantic version of a plot of land of different styles gathered around a Provencal village (South of the France), including a market, a café, a circus and some adapted buildings. 
 ieko Logic (fr -> en): Everything was built as and when I found myself keeping the initial state of mind.   Let's start with the market. There is a girl who watered her birthday too much yesterday in the tower

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Seaside Safari

Ernest Moncrieff: very 'hygge' here

This week's trip took us to a pair of maritime sims, first the bright  and beautiful city of Tromso, Norway, on CCI grid, then to Alanna, a boating venue on Craft Grid. HG Addresses, as usual, at the end of the post. 
SIWAS S: Welcome to Norge, I hope you will enjoy the stay
Beth Ghostraven: thanks SIWAS!
Ard Rhys: Hi Siwas
Angelic Kisses: Thank you
SoA BAD: welcome all

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Cute Tunes on Winxtropia

It was our second stop of the Safari, and we had experienced a bit of lag earlier in the day. Luckily, that didn't stop the group from powering through, and not one among them regrets sticking with the adventure - indeed, quite the reverse. Our second stop brought us in contact with something unique and beautiful and we all felt privileged to be there, to experience it. The message came up - "You are now at Crescent Melody, Instrument Testing (150, 128, 21)"
Forest Azure: phew :)
Boujee Gamergirl: Hi Welcome
Star Ravenhurst: тμαηк чøυ ѕσσ мυ¢н【ツ】☺

The Cream of Carima

Thirza Ember: here we come...
Primus Caproni: we are prepared ^^
Primus Caproni: Hello all travelers
Forest Azure: hello
Fitheach Eun: Hi Primus
Arriving at the Harbour, that's Alan in the white hat.
Edwin: Hey ihr da!  Hört euch die Neugikeiten an!
Alan Scot: verr ees my translator
Primus Caproni: No Problem all the following will be done in english

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Alexandria Dreaming

 Ancient Alexandria, a city unlike any other, the capital of Hellenic Egypt, one of the great international ports of its day, one of those rare creations, a planned city,  and the burial place of Alexander the Great and where , about 300 years later, Cleopatra lived and loved. It was the home of one of the seven Wonders of the world, together with a fabled Library, dozens of schools,  and was a place where historians, philosophers, scientists, astronomers, artists and thinkers of every kind lived, discoursed, and created.   The city where Heron came up with all his ingenious inventions, where Euclid spent most of his adult life, where the Septuagint was created, and where the architect Parmenion oversaw the sculptural beatification of the city in its early days. 
It was a city built in the Hellenic style, with long straight roads, well defined neighborhoods or quarters for different ethnicities, and strong defences both landward and on the sea side. The city had two large harbours divided by a causeway leading to the island of Pharos with its famed lighthouse.  To the East, the Great Harbour was overlooked by the royal palace, and had two smaller harbours within it. To the West was the Eunostus Harbour, named for the god of flour - Alexandria was the port from which the abundant grain of Egypt was shipped all around the Mediterranean world.
How sad, then, to think that you can no longer walk these magnificent streets, full of monumental buildings. But wait - yes you can! Ferd Frederix and his team have been working on a years-long project to bring Alexandria back to life, on Outworldz grid. 
These pictures were taken on the enormous build that seems to go on forever, with fields, towers, ordinary houses, fortifications, palaces and of course water everywhere. Not just the sea, but the lifegiving canal that ran through the city. 
Ferd Fredrix: Joe Builder, me, and Debbie Edwards made it. Joe is a contractor. I hired him to do a lot (as in a LOT) of uploading of mesh and he did a lot of the building and placement while I worked on the roads and bridges and the tower. Then we did it all again for the other five 4X4 regions. 

Alexandria's lighthouse has fired up the fantasy of historians, engineers, and storytellers of every era. It was begun in 300 years before the birth of Christ and survived, battered by earthquakes and neglect until the 1400's, when the ruins of the building were taken to form part of the nearby fortress of Quait Bay. The exact location of the lighthouse was lost until the 1990s when a team of French underwater archaeologists found remains that pinpointed the spot where it stood

It's a city of dreams. Alexandria was founded by Alexander in 331 BC as he swept across Asia conquering all in his path, with an eye to creating a new capital for Egypt, away from the old-fashioned, hidebound city of Memphis. 

In reality, Alexander never lived to see the city flourishing; after his death in 323 BC aged just 32, his empire was carved up between his generals and Alexandria fell to the Ptolemy family, who built, it is thought, the famous Library as a showplace of the culture of the Eastern half of the Mediterranean, rather than as a place of learning. 

Alexander was buried in a massive tomb in the city, but like so much else, its exact location and appearance are lost to us. A few travel writers and historians give some glimpses that allow a certain amount of informed speculation, and that's really all we have to go on.
  The fractured dynasty of the Ptolemies lasted about three centuries, and eventually leads to Cleopatra, her run-ins with a couple of Caesars, an asp and the beginning of the end of the grand city as a showcase for luxury and learning.
But on Outworldz, it's possible to stop the clock and explore the world as it would have been in her day. It wasn't always easy! 

Ferd Fredrix: We added Cleopatra's rooms and a scratch built avatar. Cleopatra's avatar alone took over a year.  Isis Ophelia's Egypt and that made me consider doing the entire city. Then followed 6 months of planning and research, with a long wait for Assassins Creed Origins to come out so we would have reference photos. It took 3 years to complete what it is today.
It's an extraordinary achievement, and a huge investment not only in time and talent but hard cash too - and the attention to detail and quality are evident  everywhere. This Map screenshot gives you an idea of the build - but when you visit, don't be surprised if you find it even bigger. 

Flowers, fields, statues, lighting, sound, and atmosphere - the place is full of it.
Plenty of cuteness, too especially for cat lovers!  
The wonderful thing about this build is to see a scene like this, and know the 'backdrop' is actually a place you can walk or ride to, across the region.
To wander alone here is to feel the oppressive loneliness of a city where it often feels like the people have just stepped away - swept away or turned to invisible ghosts. It's an appropriate sensation, in this unreachable city, so faded and ground away - so unfairly, when one things of all the other ancient cities - Rome, Athens, Istanbul, Damascus , that still have so many visible fragments to remind of those glory days and layers of history.
Alexandria endured repeated onslaughts by the Romans and those who followed in the faltering footsteps of the empire, in terms of war, siege, and appropriation, and commercial and natural crises over the years - it even got hit by a tsunami in 365 AD. The famous Library, often held up as a figure of dramatic tragedy, in reality was damaged and destroyed not all in a single moment, but through vandalism, violence and above all neglect over many years. Here is a painting of a trireme, and Ferd's 3D version of the same - impressive!

If the build captures the fragility of all this magnificence in its lonely streets, it also does, here and there, with animesh or NPC figures, bring the build back to a more human dimension, and the spell is completed.  Far from over, this is an ongoing work of art - who knows when or even if Ferd will ever feel that he has finished it. While some of the mesh was purchased, plenty of bits are his original work, like this ship, translated from a 2D painting into  3D perfection. This is a megaregion that you'll love whether you are a history buff, of just want to immerse yourself in an Egyptian fantasy of your own dreaming. 

HG Address:

Thursday, January 5, 2023

In the Zone

 Zone Nations grid was our second stop this week, for the opening Safari of 2023, and our host was Druskus, who welcomed us to his fantasy sim HG Welcome along with Fiona Saiman, Cleopatra Abu, Ares Kytori who all created a great party atmosphere for us right off the bat.  
The group arrives at Zone Nations. Photo by Fitheach Eun
Druskus gave us some info about the grid and himself - he told us he manages both the Grid and the utilities, he is an Italian who works in the IT field. In the OpenSource world "he is renowned in the beautiful country for his web activities in the JOOMLA and has been mentioned in several books by the Hoeply publishing house on intermediate-level technical texts related to JOOMLA! and is considered a real reference, at the Italian level, for the implementation of Communities and Social Networks."
Thirza Ember: anyone here familiar with Joomla?

Setting the Tone

 While community is at the heart of the Safari experience, we also aim for quality, and our kick-off event for the first season of 2023 really set the tone. Lorin Tone, and Alia Soulstar, two names that convey a sense of excellence. The build? An immersive experience based on the film 2001 A Space Odyssey.
This is opensim artistry at its best.  Not a rip-off replica, but a multi sensory, walkable meditation on a much loved and discussed classic, spread over a VAR that in SL would cost you in tier something like the rent of a small house. 
Lorin Tone
There were about 20 of us on 3rd Rock Grid to meet our host and learn the story behind the build. The fun starts in a dome at ground level, where there is a warning that if you don't do well around flashing optical effects, this build might not be for you. The address, is of course, at the end of this post.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Back in Busy-ness

 Safari trips return tomorrow Wednesday 4 January at the usual time 12 noon Pacific (SLT) with another ten week season of two hour, two destination events. Busy busy!
Once again, we will be going to a whole range of different grids, and exploring many different themes - meeting people interested in art, tech, and community, and willing to share their builds and projects with us all.  To know more about events ahead of time, you can check out the following social media - Discord, MeWe, Facebook, and Opensimworld - usually events are advertised two or three days in advance. As usual we depart from the Clubhouse, join us there just before 12 noon to get last minute info and LMs, safari

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Ta ta, 22

It's that time of year when there are retrospectives everywhere... so here's one about Opensim. 
Plenty more things happened than the few that are listed here, so if you have a special memory of an Opensim milestone from 2022 that is not mentioned here, go ahead and drop it in the comments.
Time flies - or does it? over on Sauce, Aire Mille Flux
Opensim has continued to grow in 2022, in every way.