
Saturday, January 20, 2024

Pati's Party

 Yesterday evening, Portugal time, was the grand opening of the new AI generated art gallery of Pat Babii on her sim Gavezdois.
Pat Babii

You may remember this interesting sim in another life, when it was located on Craft Grid. Now it has found a home on SharingIsCaring and over a dozen people joined the fun in the spectacular sky dance hall, with its constantly moving wall art. 

Andron Rae DJ'd the event with all kinds of Ai generated music, mixing singers and styles and songs that created a colorful, curious,  crazy and sometimes quite philosophical. 
The name Gavezdois is a funny one. It's Portuguese (of course!) and is made up of three parts - 'Ga' like being gaga or elderly and a bit out of it, 'vez' meaning 'times' or 'multiplied by' and 'dois' which is Portuguese for two. But there's nothing lacking in the mental strength and imagination on this sim! Chilli Bean, the grid owner, shared a few thoughts while dancing in formation - now that's some serious multitasking!
Chilli Bean: We are really honoured and happy that we have Pat Babii back with us here in Sharing is Caring grid, she is an incredibly talented creator and artist, not to mention scripter and musician. 
Pat and Chilli
Chilli Bean:Owing to her health issues from a sudden stroke, she was abruptly away from opensim for a long time without any word, and we had feared the worst, so seeing her return back and regaining her health has been a  wonderful surprise and blessing. 
AI art gallery - a journey
Chilli Bean: Many of her AI art pieces she has here in the museum also do describe her journey back to health and are both as informative as they are beautiful and intriguing. I'm sure many will love to come visit and see and hopefully be as inspired by her work and curating of amazing Art as we all are.

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