
Thursday, October 19, 2023

Kitely's Cave Man

Lascaux, in Perigord, is one of those amazing places that says so much about humanity. Everyone knows the cave paintings, their size, vivid colors, and pure artistry speak to us across the gulf of ages. The tragedy of the caves, discovered during the Second World War, as their fate. They were monetized and rendered world famous in 1948, when a staggering 100,000 visitors flocked there every year for a while. The germs, humidity and light that all those tourists brought with them soon left its mark, and within 15 years the fragile environment was irreparably damaged. Undaunted, however, work began on copying the art, and today you can go to Montignac and take a ...dare I say it, virtual tour ! Today with all the mod cons of the 21st century traveller, you can absorb the prehistoric mood in a full-size, mathematically precise replica of the caves and their contents. 
Lascaux on Kitely has the same starting point, but a different configuration, and a very different and intriguing purpose. The Safari went to see what was what.
lifted pixel: some of you are missing bits and pieces but they're rezzing in now
Roffellos Kisses: if anyone lost some boobs they just shot past me
Angelic Kisses: Hahahaha
Tosha Tyran: if somebody finds my body - please return it to me - I need it, sniff
Forest Azure: gimme back!
Roffellos Kisses: strange wildlife here
Aba Brukh: ahhhhh, there I am
Cooper Swizzle
Thirza.Ember: applause for Cooper Swizzle - Kitely's own Cave Man
Cooper Swizzle: Thank you Thirza... Hello and welcome to The Lascaux Cave. I am Cooper Swizzle, and it is my pleasure to share my interpretation of the Lascaux Cave located in southwestern France, near the village of Montignac. I am a consultant and train adults on Leadership Soft Skills using 3D immersive environments in collaboration with Carla Kincaid-Yoshikawa, owner of Training in the 21st Century. As you will see, this is a sample of how we use the environment to train people. 
Cooper Swizzle: Does anyone have any questions currently?
Aba Brukh: I'm curious about the therapod
Cooper Swizzle: Sorry what theropod
Aba Brukh: the skeleton behind you, it looks like a fossil theropod on the ground ?
Cooper Swizzle: It's dino bones,  just to give people something to look at, keep them engaged like you asking what is it for.
lifted pixel: you use opensim to do softskills training?
Cooper Swizzle: Yes I do.  I teach Leadship Skills
lifted pixel: How tricky is it to get first time users logged in?
Ange Menges: Where are you from Cooper ?
Cooper Swizzle: Phoenix, AZ  USA.  
Cooper Swizzle:  As you enter the cave, imagine yourself physically being here, the air likely carrying a damp, earthy scent, a mixture of moist soil, limestone, and the faint aroma of animal presence. The scent might be further enriched by the burning of torches or fires
Ange Menges: Funny that you used Lascaux, I'm living at one hour from Montignac :-)
Entering the cave there are a few suggestions and disclaimers. Go for midnight lighting (the sim's shared lighting is less appropriate, so put your own) and don't turn on the region's stream. The plants and the musical instruments are just for fun, and not archeologically correct. You can click on animesh cave people to get information in the form of some notecards, and it's worth having Sounds on to get some of Cooper's ambience.
Taarna Welles: Sounds: it reminds me of Dizzy Banjo.
Thirza Ember: why did you choose Lascaux as a teaching subject cooper?
Cooper Swizzle: I created the cave when I took a course on 3D from Washington University, I've since created the cave for others who enjoy using it.
Tosha Tyran: I love cave paintings - they give me the feeling as if some hand of 1000s of years ago is stretched out to me
Cooper Swizzle: whispers: Ok, we can move forward now, remember you are more than welcome to come back on your own. The significance of the Lascaux Cave paintings lies not only in their artistic excellence but also in their historical and anthropological value, providing valuable insights into the lives and cultures of prehistoric humans. 
Thirza Ember: cooper, is there any one of these cave drawings you are particularly fond of?
Cooper Swizzle: The 3 stick people and the hands
Arwyn Croft: very nicely done
Star Ravenhurst: Sorry Thirza. A little tricky here
Thirza Ember: you are a bat in a cave!
Ange Menges: Thank you Cooper it's a nice region, I am happy to see that Americans are interested in French remains
Cooper Swizzle:  Thank you... don't forget to walk to the back and click on the Cave People to learn more
Yara Eild: Yes we will come again and look at it in peace
Cooper Swizzle: I want to visit the cave in real life, I've been building this cave in different versions since 2011
Thirza Ember: eh you would need a time machine to see it properly
Ange Menges: Well I could send you an invitation lol, It's 1 hour from my home
Forest Azure: But Cooper, what is the connection with the training?
Cooper Swizzle: The cave is used as just one of many environments Carla and I use for trainings... We don't like using traditional places like a school classroom
Ange Menges: Well for you it's a lot of work compared to speaking in a classroom
Carla Kincaid-Yoshikawa: People absorb and respond differently when they're in a complete environment that reflects or emphasizes what they're learning about
Cooper Swizzle: Yes Ange, but doing this in here keeps everyone engaged
Forest Azure: ah, but what do you train here?
Tosha Tyran: wall painting, I bet
Cooper Swizzle: whispers: Yes, on the subject they are learning.  For example, we might do Communication training in here
Forest Azure:  and how would that communication training be? sorry that i keep asking, but i originally came to os for education purposes
Cooper Swizzle: whispers: Well, we do you voice, so they may have to tell another person the directions to get from one part of the cave to another.  They need to be specific in what they say.
Thirza Ember: so the training -  it's not really linked to the caves and the story of the caves? this is just a sort of interesting backdrop for more basic skills?
Cooper Swizzle: Correct thirza,  the cave is the back drop
lifted pixel: i'd rather be in here than a boring conference room
Roffellos Kisses: agreed
Angelic Kisses: me too
Kimm Starr: me too
Thirza Ember: thanks for clearing that up, it all makes more sense now
Cooper Swizzle: whispers: I do a sexual harassment training and the company I do it for much prefers doing it in 3D then on line.We do one on one training for 30 min with new people
Thirza Ember: lol... that really does not sound right, Cooper, you should stop training people to do sexual harassment... seriously the first time I saw the sign, I thought I was in a bdsm region
lifted pixel: XD
Cooper Swizzle: LOL thirza,
Carla Kincaid-Yoshikawa: Training is usually linked to the environment it's set in and that reinforces concepts and catalyzes interesting discussions
Cooper Swizzle: And everyone, this is Carla, my partner and owner of Training in the 21st Century
Carla Kincaid-Yoshikawa
Tosha Tyran: but what makes a cave environment do for this training ?
Thirza Ember: it just makes it more fun Tosha
Tosha Tyran: oh, ok. now that makes sense
Carla Kincaid-Yoshikawa: Cooper loves caves
Thirza Ember: how many students come through a course like this?
Cooper Swizzle: thirza, I don't know a number, but we only have up to 25 at a time. I really prefer 15 - 20. We mainly work for Companies who are interested in a new way to train their employees.
Carla Kincaid-Yoshikawa: It's very powerful. And when people are in a shared virtual space that tangibly and symbolic shows what they're learning about, it adds dimensions to the learning.
Taarna Welles: How much time does it take for new students to get to know the viewer?
Cooper Swizzle: whispers: New students get our one on one, and usually by the 3rd day they are good to go. We start off slowly introducing them to the different tools we use
Thirza Ember: another question, for Kimm.... is this guy single? this cave man I mean
Kimm Starr
Kimm Starr: lol
Thirza Ember: cuz I think he just asked me for a date
Aba Brukh: hehe
Nara Nook: I think that is harassment
Thirza Ember: yes, and i'm not even trained for it
Kimm Starr: Now you're learning Nara
Star Ravenhurst: I wish my classes would have been in virtual in college
Carla Kincaid-Yoshikawa: We set things up so people don't have to do much beyond walk, talk, click and zoom, unless they are coming in for several sessions. Then we build in more interactive stuff slowly so they aren't overwhelmed with the navigation aspects.
Cooper Swizzle: whispers: we don't want to overwhelm them with being in the environment and having to learn as well.
Angelic and Roff Kisses, all Halloweeny
lifted pixel: Do many folks that come for your classes continue to log into OpenSim?
Roffellos Kisses: good question! lifted this a short term thing to push them on their merry way ?
Cooper Swizzle: I'll say maybe a half come back on occasion to review.
Thirza Ember: or maybe they have some avatars they just let the students use for the day, like rentals
Carla Kincaid-Yoshikawa: 'Sometimes it's easy with new people, sometimes difficult'
Tosha Tyran: rent an avatar... sounds kind of strange :/
Cooper Swizzle: whispers: We do offer some "free" avatars, but they still need to download the viewer
Carla Kincaid-Yoshikawa: We have a step-by-step guide to the viewer, plus an elearning they can watch that shows basics of navigation, etc.
Star Ravenhurst: If a student is anything like us, they would be in open sim outside of class too
Carla Kincaid-Yoshikawa: Yes. Cooper replaced some face-to-face, week-long classes on leadership der at his old company. We set it up as a 6-week training, with managers logging in twice a week for 1/5 to 2 ours per session. It worked better than face-to-face, they were asked each Friday what they'd used since Monday
Cooper Swizzle: whispers: Carla and I will hopefully be presenting what we do at the OpenSimulator Community Conference in December
Nara Nook: so is softskills about sexual harassment???
Cooper Swizzle: whispers: Sexual Harassment Compliant training is not a soft skill, like Interviewing, but is easily done in 3D.
Cooper Swizzle: whispers: Again, thank you everyone.  I trust you enjoyed your time here.
Whirli Placebo: thank you so much for being here
Star Ravenhurst: Thanks for showing us the build
Alex Salamander: thank you very much
Aba  Brukh: very nice build, Cooper
Angelic Kisses: THank you Cooper and Carla
Thirza Ember: sure! thanks for letting us visit, guys! the Safari continues at Strawberry Fields on Dorena's world

HG Address: Solutions

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