
Thursday, September 14, 2023

Safari goes Tropicana

To OSGrid for our second stop on this week's Safari. On hand were some Tropicana residents together with Tropicana's Mike Townsend and Blancanieves Levee, dressed for the weather - and the wildlife! 
Blanca and Mike
Mike Townsend: Thank you everyone for joining us
whirli placebo: thank you for being here!
Mike Townsend: Thank you for visiting the Tropicana Safari region on the OSgrid. Today we will take a look at this region but please feel free to come back and explore our many other regions. The Tropicana group consists of around 700 Second Life style regions. There is plenty to do and see. Most regions are 3 x3 in size so they take a while to explore. We also have two 10 x 10 regions with tropical islands and city landscapes.
Mike Townsend: Tropicana consists of a main hub and privately owned regions who all work together for the benefit of the community. You can find out more about us at www..tropicanaestates.netTosha Tyran: oh it looks splendid here
Mike Townsend: The Tropicana Safari region has its own airport. You can fly from here to our other airport on Tropicana Islands. It is quite a long flight across several regions but worth it if you are good at flying and navigation. We also have a harbour area with an Irish pub and docks. Rather than walk or fly you can also drive. Our rental vehicles here can be used to travel around the region quickly and efficiently but you will need to leave them to walk up the Safari Hill area.
Thirza Ember: oops i fell in the water... dangerous
Mike Townsend: eeeek
Forest Azure: what water?
Mike Townsend: careful there are crocs
Ayla Alvarez: lions and tigers no bears, oh, my
Mike Townsend: And when everyone is ready we can walk to the Safari Just tag along with or IM a coastguard if you get lost... ok lets walk a little... This way. On the other side of this wall are some boats and a sub and our underwater world, but we will visit the Safari park today
Thirza Ember: whenever you'd like, Mike! we are all armed and dangerous at this point
James Atlloud: locked and loaded
Ayla Alvarez: well...armed anyway...
Thirza Ember: armed and erratic
whirli placebo: here come the dangerous two arms
Mike Townsend: as we walk up the hill, look out for all the animals too
Tosha Tyran: Mal, it is too hot to run
Mamis Vella [es→en]: Remember that I gave you the rifle so that you can defend us from wild animals.
Mike Townsend: shouts: we will walk up the hill and turn right and then up to the top just keep following the path... please feel free to explore this whole area on the hill... animals can be found in the buildings too
Whirli making friends with the natives
Mike Townsend: shouts: and after we have finished here we can walk down the other side and go back to the jeeps where everyone can take a drive to the airport through the rest of the park... if everyone can make their way towards me we can head back to the jeeps

After a walk we came to a big parking lot full of physical vehicles - jeeps and off-roadsters...
...some of us were more expert than others. Look at Ayla execute a perfect three point turn!
Next stop, the airport.
Mike Townsend: shouts: we are by the main airport terminal building... I think we had total driving chaos there for a while
Nara Nook: yeah it was so much fun :)
Mike Townsend: Sure its always tricky with large numbers, but fun
Nara Nook: amazing the grid is still standing
Sunshine Szavanna: it's all a bit of a blur :D
Mike Townsend: I think from here we can visit the Irish pub and the harbour area, but walking or flying might be safer
Ayla Alvarez: are we going to go flying?
Mike Townsend: No Ayla that would be too risky
Angelic Kisses: Ayla...i don't think they'll let us fly the planes
Roffellos Kisses: oh great ..we get to wreck a plane too!
Tosha Tyran: oh, hahahaha, the Lusthansa
Ayla Alvarez: we just need to have a few beers before flying
Roffellos Kisses: need something a lot stronger than beer...s
We reached the end of the trek at the oceanside. Considering the punishment the 20 plus of us had put the sim through, it was amazing. The harbor has an Irish pub and a range of boats you can use to go out and explore the sea, or drive all over the Tropicana sims, which are all connected by land or bridge, and even reach as far as the city of Metropolis.  This sim gave a hiccup at this point, and most of the people disappeared, either entirely, or their clothes, or in some cases their heads. Didn't stop us having fun though.
Ayla Alvarez: i'm about .05 % rezzed
Sunshine Szavanna: :D part of safari adventure... nice music 
Nara Nook: things started to rez in, saw Tosha's hair go by
Sunshine Szavanna: love Tosha's hair
Neo CortexHG: I remember the times when some hair rezzing at our ass was supposed to be weird...
Thirza Ember: a lag tsunami
Foxxy Fawkes: i still don't have a face , just 2 floating eyes and a floating mouth
Mike Townsend: lol
James Atlloud: assets are arriving
Graceann Noel: good to see james made it here
Francisco Koolhoven: things starting to rez better for me
Tosha Tyran: lol, it is kind of funny - I see more most of you naked
Mike Townsend: Yeah I think we are catching, I don't see everyone but I see a few people, The lag was ahead of us lol
Thirza Ember: well... safari on safari --- we have been messing with the whole fabric of space-time today,  we appreciate the invite  and the visit
Sunshine Szavanna: love the sim ty
Francisco Koolhoven: yes much appreciated
Ayla Alvarez: great tour, lots and lots and lots and lots to do and see :-)
Nara Nook: I'll have to come back a few times and really explore. This was fun.
Blancanieves Levee: seguiremos preparandol excursiones para que juntos podamos divertirnos y esperamos que todos vuelvan a Tropicana
Yara Eild: Thank you. That was a very nice tour again today. Again what new learned. That was all very interesting
 Alex Salamander: thank you very much

HG Address Safari

1 comment:

  1. Amazing the grid held up with so much scripting at work. What big, fun place this is. Thank you Thirza.
