There are places - and people - that have been on the Safari radar forever, as examples of enormous talent combined with wicked humor, and endless heart - Frankie Rockett is a case in point. After many years, the Safari finally got a chance to meet up with him and experience the iconic build Art Box, now transferred to LFGrid, where it has found a stable and permanently open venue. Full address as always at the end of the post.
Armed and dangerously talented Frankie Rockett |
There is something of the Willy Wonka about Frankie - with one caveat, none of the annoying 'follow the rules or else' in Frankie's ethos.
A charming, brilliant, yet somehow elusive figure, Frankie's build Art Box - the fruit of well over a decade of creativity - speaks for itself, it is a chocolate box full of sweet treats.
The premise of the build for those few people who haven't experienced it over the past decade or so, is that you can be 'part of the picture' - be it a well known poster, photo, album cover, oil painting, watercolor - in short, famous artwork from all genres and time periods.
It's both fun and philosophical as you put yourself quite literally in the picture, thus inviting thoughts of 'what is going on here.... or just a lot of giggles, depending on your mood of the moment. It's flexible.