
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Safari and Cornflakes: Made In Opensim

         Cornflakes Week is the last seven days of February and, since this February ended on a Wednesday this year, it was a Safari Finale to a week of celebrations and silliness.

        This was the 4th year of Cornflakes Week, and once again people got creative in the best way. The event even got a mention in New World Notes, a blog about Second Life.

          From Alya VonZ's sweetly carpeted confection of fun on the Welcome region of Vartown...
ALya on Vartown Zinnia Frenzy's popsicles on 3rd Rock Grid...
3rd Rock Grid Leslie Kling's clowns, balloons, and pinnacles on TanGLe...
Cornflakes, TanGLe grid Bill Blight's particle walk and  polkadot ocean on Opensimlife, there were  many innovations to enjoy. 
Leighton Marjoram on Corn-o-topia, Opensimlife
OSgrid had the most parties, two on Event Plaza, which came alive with a dozen classic pieces of cornflakia, thanks to the curation of Aussie Envee and friends, 
Event Plaza, OSGrid
and live music events on both The Almost Islands, and at the Maritime Club Belfast, where both Azi Az and Stiofain MacTomais delicately integrated some corny touches to their signature builds. 
Azi Az on The Almost Islands
...and Nextlife World grid once again modified their regular Thursday and  Saturday events to reflect the corny spirit.  
Party Fun Radio on Nextlife-world grid
          This year's Cornflakes Week had many DJs, and live music by Truelie Telling, Singergirl, Joao Frazao, Lucky Chiung, and, for the Safari event, the lovely  CelticMaiden Warrior, who showed a lot of class at hiding 
 her bemusement with the nutso atmosphere Cornflakes Week represents.
Celtic Maiden Warrior
         It's tradition for the Corny Safari to go to three places - first we dance on hgsafari sim, FrancoGrid, then we go over to Metropolis to say hi to Wordfromthe Wise, who is the nearest thing we have to an official Keeper of the Artefacts - he has the most comprehensive collection of Cornflakes creations, and always seems to put out something new on his region Cornflakes-Tribute. 
Wordfromthe Wise
        Our last stop is a bright and colorful Cybearland, just one of the many lovely regions of Craft Grid that represent community gatherings (this one is really built for their Chocolate Festival) Licu Rau, Tosha Tyran and xSiberiax Ilfreddopurica.
Tosha and Siberia on CyBearLand, Craft

         It was a wild wonderful ride, thanks to all who took the time to come over and celebrate.  Here are a few 'corny' facts you may not know, from the event Notecard.
 "Cornflakes Week is a seven day annual festival. It's unique to Opensim.
 It is independent of real world festivals linked to  religion, culture, race, time zone, and season.  It's about being silly, wearing costumes, dancing and creating. It is held in the final 7 days of February each year.
Cornflakes Week isn't really a 'Memorial' event - that makes it sound like it's limited to people who knew the man. Rather, it's a festival of silliness and friendship that takes its inspiration from Cornflakes Woodcock's creations, made of prims and in bright colors. It's about uniting the hypergrid!

Corny Ant Avatar
"Cornflakes Woodcock didn't start Cornflakes Week, nor did he officially 'leave' his creations to the opensim community. In his lifetime, his creations were free to copy, and people who have them (notably Wordfromthe Wise, a personal friend) have shared them with others. Cornflakes passed away about 2 years before this event began.
Cornflakes Western style at Sylvia's Saloon, NextLife World
 "This event belongs to all of opensim, anyone can have a Corny party. 
You don't need to ask permission. You don't need to inform anyone, unless you want to, but of course, it helps to get a bigger party population, if you do. If you do want to add your event to the general publicity, you can advertise via the Cornflakes groups in G+ and Facebook.

"Cornflakes Week began with an idea by Thirza Ember with help from Foxx Bode, and Dorothea Lundquist, (who held the first official Corny Party at her famous Friday Night party on OSGrid) Virtual Christine (who helped set up the G+ community), Hylee Bekkers,  Wordfromthe Wise and many more. The first Cornflakes Week was February 2015.

1 comment:

  1. It was a great party and I hope to see you all next year. Many thanks to all that worked hard to make it come to life. Grrrrrreat Job ppl
