Thursday, March 6, 2025

A Bayou Bye Bye

The final part of the final Safari of the season took us over to the brightly colored N'awlins build on Wyldwood Bayou Grid. It's a great combination of historical recreations, party venue, freebie mall (definitely worth exploring the sim for some unusual, useful, and beautiful finds) , and landscape with both swamp and street plan, a complete delight - HG address at the end of the post, of course! 
On hand to greet us, two Wyldwood stalwarts, Fitheach Eun and Kith Whitehawk. They held over the their traditional Carnival celebrations for us, so that the Safari could go out in style with a Louisiana spring in our step.
Kith Whitehawk: Now that's Mardi Gras brother!!!!
Luna Lunaria: These guys love playing rock blues :-)
Kith Whitehawk
Fitheach Eun: There are free Mardi Gras clothes up there on the 2nd floor if anyone's outfits did not survive
Wyldwood Bayou Grid has always been a very active part of the hypergrid community and that's not changed, despite new RL commitments that have changed their online routine... they are inworld less of late, hopefully that's not a permanent situation - we miss seeing them around!
Fitheach Eun
Fitheach Eun: We sponsored a region for the OS World's Fair  and were not able to build anything due to RL commitments and Hurricane Helene. So we worked with the WF organizers to donate our planned full region to be raffled off free to someone who wanted to build but could not afford a region. That turned out well. The Fair also gave me a small parcel to put up a Helene Memorial and a place to send donation to the most active groups that helped us all survive.
Mal and Tosha providing some musical accompaniment
Petlove Petshop: This is very pretty!!
Neo Cortex: it is a weird feeling to be able to walk around....
Nara Nook: You'd think we'd be able to script this so our clothes arrive before us
Nara Nook: hmm that is serious chat lag, I said that an hour ago
Neo Cortex: ...this is an announcement: unfortunately your clothing has been sent to the Bahamas, we hope you have some replacement at hand...
Tosha Tyran: do these vibrant colors have any special meaning?
Kith Whitehawk: well  i am not sure what they mean today  Tosha but "back in the day  Purple Represents Justice. Green Represents Faith. Gold Represents Power.  of course colors make a good party too :)))
Fitheach Eun: The traditional colors for Mardi Gras are Purple, Yellow and bright green
Thirza EMber: I l ove this sim so much, it's always been a favorite of mine, the way you have combined freebie shops with atmosphere
Nara Nook: I love the parties here
James Atlloud: Enjoying the music - it's perfect.
 Fitheach Eun: If you are seeing people as orange clouds try:  Go to Preferences/Graphics/Rendering/Show Avatars who have not finished loading, click that.
Thirza Ember: wow another 20 destinations  over the past 10 weeks, I'm ready for a break! I don't know about you guys
Star Ravenhurst: When do we come back Thirza?
Thirza Ember:  mid April
Star Ravenhurst: Good! I have a lot of work to do to get ready for my own Safari.
Thirza Ember: the next weeks will be the testing and rehearsing for all the performances of the HIE  ...4 art shows, and 8 talks, plus a bunch of musicians... so just a reminder to you all, that if you have a region, or you have a friend with a region that you think would make a good Safari destination, let me know, we will try to make it happen!
Petlove, James and in the foreground Tosha, showing off their moves.
Tosha Tyran: I might just make a nude region... so nobody has to worry about his or her clothes anymore
James Atlloud: ha ha Tosha - it would be appropriate
Petlove Petshop: I always said you were brilliant Tosha!
James Atlloud: underwear anyone?
Kith Whitehawk: well...   opensim REALLY has a fetish for our  clothes... sooooo   great idea!!
Tosha Tyran: or a head under your arm party
Nara Nook: we could do naked Safari to cut down on lag
Thirza Ember: hmm not really mesh bodies are really laggy, and people complain if they're asked to go Legacy
James Atlloud, very much rezzed and kicking
James Atlloud: I just started with mesh and now everyone is going back.
Thirza Ember: well I just hope by next season, it'll be a little easier the HG and we won't have quite the drama we have had the past 3 or 4 weeks
James Atlloud: yeah, the drama is right.
Tosha Tyran: I love my mesh
Fitheach Eun: Me, too, Tosha
Thirza Ember: if you can make alpha layers, having a legacy body and wearing mesh isn't difficult, and your complexity drops by like 80%
Nara Nook: Yeah that's what I do. Much simpler
Star Ravenhurst: I am beginning to get paranoid about my avatar. People keep telling me to go mesh.
Thirza Ember: depends on the situation, Star, sometimes mesh is really the way to go!
Nara Nook: It is Opensim, be who you are
Tosha Tyran: exactly Nara!
Sunshine Szavanna: :) I am Snoopy today
Fitheach Eun: That is the whole point, you can be whoever you want
Sunshine as Snoopy
Thirza Ember: so - as this is the last safari of the season, can I get your opinions? Are you optimistic about 2025 , for Opensim? are you thinking there are tough times ahead?
James Atlloud: I can't really say about OpenSim for 2025.
Tosha Tyran: seriously, Thirza? I think in Opensim we have great times ahead
Thirza Ember: before when a bit grid had problems, like OSGrid is having, there were not too many places to go. Now we have so many options
James Atlloud: yes, very true
Fitheach Eun: I think the OSGrid situation is very sad; it is not surprising though that they would have asset database issues after all this time and the varied grids and regions attached. I think it emphasizes the importance of regular backups, OAR copies and IARs, which hopefully people will be more inclined to follow up on now. I also applaud Wolf for taking in so many refugees and helping them recover their data.
Thirza Ember: I must say, anyone who comes over to the HIE expo and sees all those publicity booths, you have to think Opensim is still very much alive and kicking!
Sunshine Szavanna: for sure :)
Star Ravenhurst: I think OS is very active, no where near dead. A lot of talent and creativity is here.
Nara Nook: When is HIE?
Thirza Ember: a month from today the kick off party is friday april 4
Nara Nook: ok -   I will have to get grid back up by then
James Atlloud:
Thirza Ember: well thinking back 10 years to Osgrid's last big upset, we are all a lot more tech savvy too!
Star Ravenhurst: OS has improved immensely since I discovered it. Traveling to other grids is easier
Like Opensim, the Wyldwood piano is s tronger than it looks and capable of creating a lot of entertainment. And yes, maybe not every texture cooperates, but that will not stop us saying, Let the Good Times Roll!
Nara Nook: I am so glad I made it back for the last Safari. Look forward to seeing you all in April
 Neo Cortex: Thank you all for the great show!
Thirza Ember: I know you guys are less online due to RL and so on, but I am so glad the grid is still here and people can visit   this sim is a delight, nice to know it hasn't disappeared
Kith Whitehawk: :))   thanks for sayin' so Thirza :))      we still have two wonderful RP groups  and  every 4th weekend i spin  so i still get my music fix!!!!!
Fitheach Eun: The grid is still open 24/7 And there is always music on, Wyldwood now has Kith DJing on the 4th Saturday and Sunday of the month, and the following Monday. It is on our calendar and advertised in OSWorld. Both roleplay groups are still actively roleplaying weekly.
Thirza Ember: many many thanks to Fit and Kith and everyone of you that have supported the safari once again this season, you have made it a joy
Fitheach Eun: We are so glad to have you here again Thirza :))
Kith Whitehawk: Thirza  :))  thanks for  ending your season up here with us    was a pleasure and an honor   hugs
HG Address: Bayou N'Awlins

1 comment:

  1. A lovely post Thirza. It was a beautiful place to be with Safari and I learned about letting avatars load in Firestorm! Thank you Kit and Fitheach!
