Monday, January 13, 2025

A Var Var Better Thing

Govega Sachertorte
We met on Little Willow Bay region, redolent of Jerry Garcia, whose art plays a pivotal role on  Neverworld Grid, famed for its many huge themed builds, often the destination of HG Safari trips, invoking everything from history to fantasy to TV shows and films, to the wide open spaces of the American continent. Govega, owner of Neverworld, explained a little of the background to the recent changes on the grid.
Govega Sachertorte: so you know last year we developed the roads sims, starting with cloudburst and shadowlands.. we were simply having so much fun that we decided to expand. We were having crashing issues and, turns out, all our var regions were different sizes, so Una said his OCD was crazy over that, and said we MUST have the SAME sizes for all var regions if they are attached
Thirza Ember:  he is one of many ocd people that can save your bacon
Govega Sachertorte: Yes! and that solved our problems. So once we started fixing the sizes, they all had to be 4x4s

Sunday, January 12, 2025

French Respects

A beautiful buddhist bell was tolling in the wide and serene plaza on Francopholie grid, where a new build was inaugurated on Saturday.
Among those present were Edenette Catherinette, Ladyka 007, Minord Loup, Prodyck Theas, Pierre Segrov, Max Well, Nadir Rae, Sweety2 Jefferson, Vanessa and Vlad Vanhelsing, Athena Fira, Baal and Hina Starfall. Tristan Dehaie was the master of ceremonies.
Tristan, Nadir and Minord, among the first to arrive
People arrived gradually from about nine pm Paris time, beginning with Tristan, Nadir, who was in charge of the streamed  music for the event, and Minord Loup, owner of Francopholie which is a tiny grid aimed at helping French language users of Opensim to connect with each other, find resources, answers to technical queries, and the community generally. Gradually, the group grew. Here they all are, the lady with the wings is Edenette, more of her later.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Going to the Goddess

Our second destination of the week was over on Alternate Metaverse Grid, with the lovely Lynnestra Parker showing us around. We were sorry to learn that Maldrul Smith, a good friend of Lynnesta who DJs regular music events on Lynn's region, wasn't able to be with us due to RL. We were able to learn a lot about the sim from these informative boards when we arrived... this is a place of spirituality, myth and healing... with a fair dose of humor and fun thrown into the mix.

Thirza Ember: Thanks for agreeing to show us Airmid, Lynnestra!
Star Ravenhurst: I am excited to see it!
Lavia Lavine: It's positively gorgeous here. It's very relaxing
Lynnestra Parker: In Irish mythology, the goddess Airmed (also given as Airmid) was one of the Tuatha Dé Danann. With her father Dian Cecht and brother Miach, she healed those injured in the Second Battle of Magh Tuiredh. I created this Armid to give people a place to relax and possibly heal.

Safari Does Anarchy

So what's new, I hear you say... anarchy on Safari is our default position. But this is another genius build by SoA BAD who, together with his partner in - crime? no, creativity - SIWAS S, met us on the Sons of Anarchy sim on their grid CCI. HG Address at the end of the post as always.
SoA BAD: First of all, welcome to California, in Charming, the fictional hometown of the Sons of Anarchy. We are here at the original Sons clubhouse.
SoA BAD: Famous people of the series will find everything here on this sim that was important in the series and where the most important scenes took place, such as the Sons' weapons depot in the mountains, police station, hospital, horse farm,
SoA BAD: well as the "Casa Casa" in the red light district and the cafe and hairdresser in the center of town.
Star Ravenhurst: I love SOA! This looks awesome!

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Crazy like a Phos

The second destination on this tour was also very special - a chance to meet a builder and storyteller from Mobius Grid. We were on sim Phos - as always, the HG Address is at the end of the post - and the arrival point is a small island, just off the main build... from here you walk down onto the dock and through the teleport - first accept Experiences, which allow you to get the full effect of the sim! 
The teleport takes you to the giant tower which is full of portals taking you all over the sim, to places high in the sky as well as many neat places at ground level.
Knight Knox, also known by his Display Name KAZO the FOX (Mobius is the only grid in Opensim that we've visited so far to have SL style Display Names enabled) immediately began by giving us a bit of the backstory.
Knight Knox, aka KAZO the FOX
KAZO the FOX: The story of Phos on the planet Daqtheion can be best told starting like this:  Phosfortia was the first planet in the system that started the story, but that planet was destroyed by a threat from space (cyberspace).   Now that planet is the destroyed one you see in the sky over the Desert Zone.  The main resident here Kaze the Fox got in his spaceship and escaped Phosfortia before it got pulled into the void. He traveled through space looking for a new home and found Daqtheion. Its named that because its a place that has multiple climates that range from hot to cold. The name is unique but the original languages it was made up from is lost to time.
Thirza Ember:  I love these awesome teleport rings, look at the image in the middle...  it's really fancy
Lavia Lavine: almost mystical
Thirza Ember:  we're in the heart of the sim now...
Karsten Runningbear: i hear the beat : )

Tutti i Frutti

The new Safari season began on January 1, with a fabulous visit to Bloom Peter's Frutti Music Bar, now the main arrival point on Winxtropia grid. The Winxtropia gang were there to meet us, of course! Gorgeous Boujee, Farstar, Arielle, Ghost, YumYum, made a point of being there to be part of the event - much appreciated! The sim, even with nobody on it, feels like the most bustling bar resort in all of Opensim, as you'll soon see... HG Address is as always at the end of the post.
The first thing you notice at the landing point is the busy road with cars and vans rushing by, and pedestrians and joggers too, ad the Safari crowd arrived, and gradually rezzed, their clothes and colors gradually showing up.
Thirza Ember: watch out for the traffic that road is dangerous!
Farstar Enoch: yerrr careful if u crossing the road
Boujee GamerGirl: this is awesome
Forest Azure: lol, of course james needs to try it - daredevil
James Atlloud: Yes!
Dings Digital : oh nice, urban area next to a beach
Tosha Tyran: like barcelona :)
Bloom Peters: Tosha i love your avatar! ... lol the waitresses are going to go nuts lmao
Farstar Enoch: yes, they are busy cleaning etc, i was talking to them earlier, they are excited !
 Thirza Ember: they make a lot of trash here...
Bloom's latest avatar, so cute
 lifted pixel: BLOOM i'm in love with your new avatar...  GASP!!!!
Bloom Peters: I would like to welcome everyone here to the Frutti Music Bar!  ty thirza for making this happen. The Bar was created in honor of my favorite tv cartoon series The Winx Club. But it has some Innovations  as well. As you already can see there is alot of ai stuff happening

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Calendar Guys

 Another year, another calendar, this year "Men of Opensim"... no, no nudes, you can get them anywhere with depressingly banal results, instead here the focus is on guys going places, or well not exactly going but staying places and making stuff that you can visit. Of course, the number of interesting people in Opensim is uncountable, but these  just represent some of the goings on in the virtual.
You can get the calendar for free at the HG Safari clubhouse, and it's a gift offered in the Notices if you belong to the HG Safari group on OSGrid. The calendar part is a MOAP or media on a prim, linking to the Safari's Google Calendar, which will show you our upcoming seasons of events, plus the grid birthdays of many places on the Hyperverse.
So, who's in the calendar?