Thursday, June 27, 2024

Safari's Wild Season

Little bit of pre-nostalgia on Safari yesterday, as we had our final meetup on the OSGrid region HG Safari. The sim was gifted by Ange Menges back in late 2021 to give the Safari a regular base (our sim on Francogrid was still in existence at that time, but the grid was in deep decline) and since then, it has been our life-off point for 160 trips around the hyperverse. The closure here marks the start of another adventure on the new HG Safari Grid, which will be our main base starting in the Fall. More about that in future posts.
Final meetup on HG Safari sim, OSGrid
Today's first destination was on Neverworld, another large and detailed build, with extra features! The full HG Address of Wild Kingdom is of course at the end of the post. 
lifted pixel: hello hello! sorry distracted how are all you lovely avatars today?
Taarna Welles: Hello sweet people.  :)
Star Ravenhurst: I am sad this is the last Safari for awhile
Thirza Ember: well there is so much happening in opensim, plenty to do always
Forest Azure: /me smiles... last one?
Thirza Ember: until September 4 when it all begins again... I hope you guys are ready to be eaten by dinosaurs today
lifted pixel: oh hell yeah
Tosha Tyran: if later he spits me out again - why not?
Thirza Ember: make sure you are wearing stain-resistant clothes
lifted pixel: i'll be sure to scotchguard my rings before we go
James atLLOUD: Hello - I just got home from work!  Barely made it.
lifted pixel: yay welcome james :D
Dangers await at the Wild Kingdom !
We jumped over to Neverworld Welcome, in a bid to make our arrival a bit easier on the servers. As time has gone by, avies have become more complex, so we take longer to load. But not that much longer...

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Remembering Torben

 This week, on June 28, there will be a special event on Pangea grid.

It was in the early Fall of 2022 when we got the news that Torben Asp had passed away after a long illness. 

Born in Denmark, and later resident in Ohio, Torben was known for his gentle demeanor, his electronic music and his otherworldly particles. He started in Second Life in January 2007 and was a sought-after performer there for many years, and later also in Opensim, where many grids can claim the fame of having him celebrate various anniversaries and milestones with them. He was there for the Safari whenever we asked him, and many other grids and individuals will tell you the same.

That's why Pangea grid has decided to offer each one of us a chance to celebrate his life and talent with this event. If you have pictures of Torben, you will be able to share them on the specially dedicated region, and so we can all remember the very good times he brought to us in our virtual homes, and into our lives in general.

The event will be at 11am SLT on Friday, June 28
 and the location is Asp Memorial

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Sunshine in Africa

The beautiful Africa region was our second destination this week, and Sunshine Szavanna was on hand to welcome us to this sim, one of three she has on the grid Virtual Worlds Zone, owned by Kashi Takeshi. The talented Shenn Tao, who also has regions on this grid (you may remember the post about Tonglen   back in 2023, the sim has evolved a lot further since then) also joined us, showing nice solidarity with his fellow residents.  We came for the panorama and stayed for the music, and much info about Africa - an ideal combination. HG Address is of course at the end of the post.
Sunshine Szavanna: welcome all to my - never ready - sim lol...we wait for all to arrive and then we move on to the Jazz club
Sunshine Szavanna

We all piled on top on one another, at the tp point. Our Safari travels are wonderfully captured by lifted pixel on her YouTube channel, by the way, so don't miss out on that, and please remember to like and subscribe.
lifted pixel: classic safari stack... hello Sunshine! Thanks for  having us :D
Shenn Tao: namaste
Kashi Takeshi: :) toggle the music thingies to start the nice stream :)

A Change of Venue

Bit of a different trip this week on Safari as our first destination was at home, in a way. We went over to a brand new grid called HG Safari and visited the place that will be (starting next season, in September) the permanent base for Safari trips. HG Address is at the end of the post, as always!
Thirza Ember: welcome This is the new Safari clubhouse on HG Safari grid
Francisco Koolhoven: nice new area
Thirza Ember: will take a moment to rez, when you do, please come find me at the new Clubhouse seating area
Tosha Tyran: oh, poor little alpaca arrived also...
Ayla Alvarez: this looks strangely familiar
lifted pixel: it's an elephant!
Nara Nook: Everything looks great Thirza
Sunshine Szavanna: looks very familiar for sure

Monday, June 17, 2024

Dan Banner's Rec-Creation

 If you're allergic to flashing lights, this post is not for you - but if  you're partial to a little bit of kaleidoscope every now and again, then Dan Banner's multi media experience over on OSGrid's Recreation Plaza could be right up your street. 
If you haven't heard of this sim, then add it to your list of must-see places, for it's a bit of a landmark in opensim culture.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Neverworld by Neverworlders

Never easy to get a group photo of the team that runs a grid, but somehow, Govega Sachertorte, owner of  Neverworld Grid  managed it - she's a bit of a wonder that way! I was curious to meet up with the team after seeing their latest promo video (it's at the end of this post, if you want to scroll right past the wordy bit). 
Here's the first 'class photo' of most of the Usual Suspects in charge of making the grid beautiful and helping residents get the best possible service. We were on a sim that the Safari will be visiting for our final trip of the season, ten days from now. The region is called Wild Kingdom and this seemed like the sweet spot to get their photo, in front of the ice cream van.
Left to right: Art Bell, Nine Zero, Joshua 7, Thom Invr,
Nexus Storm, Govega Sachertorte, Morgant Whelan.
So, why do people love the grid?
I asked around. Tig Eberdene has the lovely and recently refurbished Georgetown region. Birch Grove, Jamie Wright's region, is a must-visit on this grid.
Jamie Ann Wright:  I originally joined Neverworld in 2020 but it became my official grid home in 2021. The best features of the grid are too many to name but to summarise them I would say it’s a builder’s haven community of kindness with a high level of support by the Govega and grid admins. Everyone champions each other's projects and collaborates in a beautiful way that always makes it feel like home.
Tig Everdene: I've been here just shy of 3 years. The best features of Neverworld are the people and the amazing talents they have and share with everyone. The freedom I have to create as I wish. The grid staff and owner who do their best to keep everything running as well as possible, and support our residents.         
So the residents love the grid - what about the staff? Nosey, ain't I... well, let's see what some of them say.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Unforgettable Amnesia

Druskus  Zonenations welcomed the Safari this week back to his eponymous grid, and we visited Amnesia, HG Address at the end of the post as you probably know by now. The fun began on the HG Welcome sim, where we experienced some of that opensim voodoo that is hard to explain - some osgrid people simply couldn't tp onto the grid, while others had no problem at all.
The Safari always brings a lot of lag with it, so we're best if we wait for at least 5 or even 10 minutes on arrival for the group to re-form and for everyone to rez the place - the more complex the sim, the longer it takes, of course. We mostly try to sit down, so that we don't add to the problem by wandering around and giving the sim one more thing to register. Does it really make any difference? Not sure, but at least we feel like we're trying to cooperate with the system and be considerate. Some of us had more picturesque seats than, on the photocopier...
James atLLOUD: Nara. Best. Sit. Ever.
Forest Azure: are those copies of your butt. Nara?
Nara Nook: I guess. I thought sitting would lower the lag some
Nara on the copier