Thursday, January 4, 2024

Tosha's Bilbao Wow

Wow, just like that, from Louisiana to the northern coast of Spain, and some of the most interesting modern art remade in the virtual, all thanks to the spectacularly talented Tosha Tyran. Craft grid veteran and self-confessed 'bricklayer' Tosha has created some of the most amazing opportunities for opensimmers who want to tour world heritage sites without ever leaving the house. From her Taj Mahal to the Hopi Indian village, her interest in architectural heritage is truly global. We arrived on sim The Caravan on craft to a nice welcoming bit of graffiti on the plaza. 
Thirza Ember: i find it so fascinating how art could change a city and change people's lives
Tosha Tyran: yes! for example that wonderful Zubizuri, and all the new metro stations, they really are like this, and a new university building, and a lot of art and theater and music all over the city of Bilbao.
Forest Azure: was fighting with the terms of agreement
Unadecal Masala: having to sign gdpr... for what, there is no personal information collected beyond an avatar name, a mac address and an IP address. People need to get off thinking that an IP address is in any way private information
Lucy Afarensis: what is a GDPR ?

NOLA Treat

 Ms Cal: Welcome to the Magical World of Jackson Square Walking Tour! I'm your guide, Cal. I am thrilled to have you here today as we embark on a journey through this iconic location that holds a special place in the heart of New Orleans.
Taarna Welles: Woot woot
James Atlloud: I was here (RL) to celebrate new year's eve 1999!
The first Safari of 2024 began in style - NOLA style! on a new grid that has exploded onto the scene with some of the most realistic reconstructions of real places and spaces

Friday, December 29, 2023

Safari Calendar 2024

 Another splendid year of opensim fun has drawn to an end and another is just gearing up - grid hopping in virtual worlds has never been more rewarding or reliable!  To celebrate the new year, here's a calendar that celebrates just a few of the loveliest people and places. 
This calendar is an inworld object, available at the HG Safari clubhouse, and if you hit the Calendar Info button, you will receive a Notecard that gives you the HG addresses and LMs to each of the places featured in the pictures. A big thank you to all the artists and builders who agreed to pose for the calendar, and to snowbody Cortes for invaluable help on the script. 
So who and where does this year's calendar feature?
Our cover artist is Luna Lunaria, seen here on her region Luxor, on Wolf Territories Grid. An absolute genius when it comes to texturing Luna is well known for her

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Xmas Mission on 3rd Rock

This Sunday, December 17 at 10am Pacific time is a huge milestone for a very special group, and you're invited to the adventure, and the party!
Starfleet Infinity celebrates one year on 3rd Rock Grid. It's a scifi roleplay group that is based on the format, structure, and values of the TV show and film franchise Star Trek. 
But wait a minute, first anniversary? Hasn't there been a Star Trek inspired roleplay place on 3rd Rock for years? Astraios... Lyonesse Colony... all that? 
Yes. For a long time, this group was an opensim colony of SL's United Federation Starfleet. Last year, the decision was made to break away, and form something new, dynamic, and vaster than before, right here on 3rd Rock, taking advantage of the talent and energy of the locals - in particular Alia Soulstar, builder, art curator, not to mention Captain of the USS Feynman, who has stepped up to create a fabulous website as well as inworld goodies. 
The move was a good one, they doubled their numbers overnight, and the past year has been an ongoing success story. Safari celebrated 'First Contact Day' with many of the crew and creative contributors of Starfleet Infinity last April and it was a delight to see how committed and organized and fun-loving they are.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Name Check

 Yeah, what is in a name?  Full Name, Default Name, Display Name, Username, Modern and Legacy... 
Originally when you joined Second Life, you chose a first name - it could be anything you wanted that wasn't wasn't too obviously rude or copyright infringing. Then you picked a last name from a list of about 50 possibles. This surname list was gradually refreshed, so that people who joined around the same time would often find they had 'cousins' - think of the improbable art trio of Selavy, Bryn and Saveme Oh, all linked by that surname, if not much else.  
It was a golden age of witty and punny creativeness, and a huge dose of crass daftness also. Many of the Last Names invited a play on words, and people rose to the challenge with great choices like AM Radio, Hok Wakawaka, or Rolling Shuffle. I bet you can remember a few good ones, put them in the Comments if you want. 
It's painless and quick to change display names in SL
So far in Second Life's impressive 20 year lifespan, there have been over 11,300 Last Names (here's a list of them). That includes both the ones suggested by the Lindens, and custom names people have requested. Some of the earliest Last Names were Baskerville, Prudhomme, Jetaime, Sideways, and Binder. Interestingly in the first four years of SL, only 360 different Last Names were available, each being retired after a few days or weeks, apparently at whim.
Back in 2010 some big name changes happened in Second Life. New account holders had to pick just one name, and whenever legacy form-filling required a second name, they all used the same one - 'Resident'. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Xmas Hunting at Whitemeadows

It's that time again, so pull on your warmest jumper and get grid jumping! Ange Menges and Nani Ferguson are about to unveil their latest Seasonal Hunt region!
It's on OSGrid and it's called Whitemeadows, and the big opening party is on December 20 at about 12 noon SLT.
The look and feel of the region is very different from the last Menges/Ferguson Hunt "Ankhtyfy" in October, which was all about aliens and monsters. This time, it's a classic winter wonderland with more of a real world approach, a pronounceable name, and cozy corners in which to sit and drink in the beauty of the sim. And, why not, a snowmobile to speed up your race around the region, following the clues.
This treat has a whopping 40 clues to solve, as usual with help from the handy HUD that combines a photo with a clue. Last time, the game was devilishly difficult, and few finished it. This time, not only there are a lot more rewards, but it's also slightly easier to navigate the build. So drink your egg nog and get your reading glasses, this is one challenge you'll be glad you took up. 
Here's the statue at the start, her light points you in the right direction, but don't rush off quite yet. Beneath the 'How this Works' sign, you will find a box with the HUD in it. Without that, you can't play.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Five Bits About the OSCC

1. Eleven years The Opensimulator Community Conference  returns this weekend for another opportunity for everyone who enjoys virtual worlds to discover new friends, interests, projects, and tech tips. It is the annual gathering from across the hyperverse on a dedicated grid and this is the 11th edition of the event, which is a very long time in virtual worlds! The opening festivities are on Friday 08 December, and then on Saturday and Sunday, December 9 and 10, there will be talks and presentations from 7am until 6.30pm Pacific Time (SLT) - with breaks for meals, and all kinds of opportunities for socializing throughout the weekend. You can find the full schedule here.
The main seating area at the OSCC
2. Registration Around and about on Social Media, you may have seen notices about registering to attend the OSCC - and, oh boy, I can see from here your Opensim hackles