Sunday, October 23, 2022

Creative Mode

Wir Machen Mode !

 Loru Destiny has been incredibly busy in the last few months, and it all paid off yesterday night at the fabulous Fashion Show (German Modenschau) on her home grid ArtDestiny, attended by an incredible 64 persons.

Loru Destiny

Safari goers will recall this grid for the beautiful paintings of Loru's partner Tryad, the subject of a trip back at the beginning of the year (he was also a participant in the Pangea Art and Culture Festival in the Spring). We returned to the grid to hear a concert by Moses Rau, and made a tour of some of Stormy Scorpio's Start Trek regions, including memorable Vulcan and Klingon homesteads. 
This time the lights were up for the art of Loru, not only as an accomplished designer of clothes but also as a fantastic organizer. Pulling together the community is always a challenge, but it's one she excels in, and this beautiful event on a dedicated sim showcased seven German makers of fashion in opensim.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Cave Crave

 The first sign that this was not going to be your average hunt was when the bone fell on my head. 'Tis the season when people crave the pumpkin, the prizes, and the surprises, and Novale has it all. Plus caves.

But bones collapsing on me - wasn't expecting that! This is the new Halloween build on Creanovale grid, one of dozens of excellent seasonal builds you can find listed on Opensimworld, and around and about opensim in general.
Kelso Uxlay and Dabici Straulino

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Into the West

Continuing our celebration of all things Rings on this the 55th Anniversary of the publication of The Return of the King, the final volume in the LOTR trilogy, we visited  an elven sim of quiet majesty. Roland Francis has been building at ViBel grid (Virtual Belgium, his homeland) for years, and the quality of his regions reflect his artistry and philosophy - a respectful, relaxed environment with a little spirituality thrown in. Perfect elf territory.  Roland's region WesLorien was our second destination this week, on the heels of his recent post about making animesh animals herd - something everyone would like to have on their landscape sim. But first, a little history.

Roland Francis, photo by Wizardoz Chrome
Roland Francis: Once the home of the Lorien Elves, the region was depopulated during the Fourth Age until all Elves were gone. The woods and the elven homes have been maintained by the creatures who reside there, hoping l that the Elves eventually will return to claim their home once again. Read Elbereth Elentari’s Diary entry about her visit to WesLorien here. You can see the  WesLorien Flickr photos here.

Creature of Hobbit

 JRR Tolkein published the third and final part of Lord of the Rings on 20 October 1955, and this week the Safari decided to celebrate that 77th anniversary by taking our fellowship on a bit of a quest. There are dozens of LotR builds in opensim, we could only see two this time, those belonging to Ferd Federix on Outworldz and Roland Francis on ViBel. 
Way too many pictures for a single post, so this one is about Ferd's place, Roland's build is covered in 'Into the West'. HG Addresses are at the end, as usual.
And also, as usual, we met at the clubhouse. If you have never been on Safari with us, take 5 minutes to drop in at the region Safari. The set up is simple, we gather a couple of minutes before it's time to head for the first destination - it helps to know who's planning to be part of the trip before we leave, so we can tp you if you get lost. There is a big box right by the landing place, with LANDMARKS on it. Click to buy, you will get a folder with the LMs for the day, numbered in order of use, and a Notecard summarizing where we are going - simple as that. We head to destination one at 12 noon SLT, and destination two at 1pm SLT.  

Friday, October 14, 2022

Horse Play

Je suis posey, avec mon poney, je kiffe ma journey

OK... Feelings of calm - a pleasurable journey - at the Apocalypse?   And surely those aren't ponies. Yikes! You know how it is with horseplay, it's all fun and games, until someone gets hurt. Or the world ends.
Terra... and Terra!
Well no, of course they aren't ponies, they are the famous 4 Horses - in this case, Domination, War, Famine/Disease, and Death - the brainchild of Terra Merhyem in her latest build, 'The 4 Horseriders of the Apocalypse'  which is part of the ongoing and very lively Pangea Festival of Art and Culture

Thursday, October 13, 2022

From Aphra to Bibi

A bijou grid and a gem of a region on Opensim's biggest grid this week. 
Our first port of call was the home of Aphra Hendrix, Cozy Comforts grid. Check out the Cozy Comforts Grid website to learn about the meaning of the place, and for news of events. 
There were a dozen of us, landing on the sim Cozy Comforts World, where the party was already started. Full HG Addresses of our destinations are, as always, at the end of the post.
Beth Ghostraven: Hello everyone!
Ard Rhys: Hi Beth
Star Ravenhurst: Hi Beth
Thirza Ember: wow nice big crowd
whirli placebo: and so quiet and polite!  good looking too
Beth Ghostraven: lol whirli
whirli placebo: dancing with the avatars!
Beth Ghostraven: that's why I was late, getting dressed in something new :o)

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Lloud and Clear

What's going on in Opensim can be a difficult question to answer. There's so much happening on so many grids and people who are busy making things don't always have the time or the temperament to effectively let others know about their creations.  

One way this need for communication is being served is through two broadcasts, MBTV News and Inworld Review,  filmed on Sundays from 10 am Pacific time, and available on Youtube
Making a show like this isn't easy - and there is a lot to learn not only from the guests on the show, but also from those behind the scenes...