Thursday, March 8, 2018

Art and Kart Safari

There was an Unexpected Peruvian Incident in the Safari this week, though I don't think anyone but Larysa and me knew it. Ostensibly, it was a simple trip to an Art Sim by ieko catnap on Francogrid, and then a Kart sim - is it sacrilege to call Bill Blight's desert landscape and hit-the-coin-with-the car game a 'Kart sim'?   HG Addresses at the end of this post, as usual. And please, don't forget to 'Like' the regions you visit, by going to it may seem a small silly thing to you, but it means a lot to the creators.

           We tried to hard to make Ieko Catnap rez during our visit to imaginaire-de-ieko-18, with no success - luckily I got this snap of her earlier. Otherwise,

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Safari and Cornflakes: Made In Opensim

         Cornflakes Week is the last seven days of February and, since this February ended on a Wednesday this year, it was a Safari Finale to a week of celebrations and silliness.

        This was the 4th year of Cornflakes Week, and once again people got creative in the best way. The event even got a mention in New World Notes, a blog about Second Life.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Cars Coins and Canvas

       A sudden change of plans, caused by internet outage sounds like the beginning of a bit of a disaster, but this week, the need to postpone our visit to Freda Frostbite's fascinating Floridiana build actually turned into a hilarious adventure on opensimlife grid, with Bill Blight  and Leighton Marjoram followed by an interesting new project on Mobius with Zoliea Yifu and Sprocket Watchclock. HG Addresses as always, are at the end of the post.
Desert cities add intrigue to the game on Desert Oasis region

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Corny Calendar 2018

Cornflakes Week 
22 February to 28 February         

Thursday marks the beginning of the 4th annual Cornflakes Week in Opensim, and yet again, many grid owners have pulled out all the stops to make it a fun and silly one. 
If you missed previous years, here's a video of last year's event, to give you an idea of what happens

Friday, February 16, 2018

Seeking Cinderella's Shoes

 Our second top was the splendid region by Debbie Edwards and Ferd Frederix, called Snowgarde, which is based on Cinderella.
            The visit begins with Fairy Godmother providing you with your own pumpkin-based horse drawn coach. Next, you ride up along a roadway that curls around the castle like a tail. 
This is a great way to see who's a good driver, and who isn't...

Safari does Chromosomes and Cats

              The Safari was on the road for Valentines Day this year, and what better way to celebrate than by meditating on our genes, and dancing in an enchanted castle... and for some of us, doing both at the same time, such is the joys of multiple avatars! Two places you need to see, and the addresses are, yes you've guessed it, at the end of the post. This is the first part of our two part trip, this time on VIBE grid, the HG Address is, as always, at the end of the post.

              Our first stop was at one of the VIBE grids, this time the Genome regions built by Max Chatnoir.
              Clowey Greenwood, who manages these four regions, named for the heroes of genetics, Crick, Mendel, Huxley, Hooke,  met us on the welcome region and showed us around.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

A Higher Safari

              This week's trip brought us to great heights in every way! First, up to a theater in the sky on Metropolis, to hear a talk about High art with Art Blue and Juliette Surrealdreaming, followed by a formal ball, and then on to Neverworld Grid, for a luxurious all dancing, all sporting extravaganza with Govega Sachertorte, Pasha Theas, Nexus Storm, and - in my book - one of the High Princes of Opensim, Locked Semaphore. But more of the latter later.
             HG Addresses as always at the end of the post.
             Our first stop was in a cube theater on South Horizon, given the name ' Onawero' for the occasion, to hear about 1biennale. We were greeted by Juliette and Art outside an interesting, almost matrimonial, build, with places to sit at the end of a long red carpet.
              Art Blue delivered an address using Screenleap, so rather than each of us touring the