Thursday, October 19, 2017

Gates and Skates

            Two places you MUST visit, in Opensim, one, a long-standing icon of hypergridding, the other, a relatively new grid with all the bells and whistles... and more. The HG Addresses for these places are at the end of the post, as usual.

          Shaun Emerald is an opensim hero. If you haven't met him, you've heard of him. His grid, Sanctuary, has been a haven for hypergridders since the sport became possible. Back before they got rid of the 4096, which meant you couldn't jump more than a 'distance' of 4096 regions in a single leap, and had to sort of use stepping stones to get to places, hypergridding was more of a zig zag than a LM-and-go activity. Sanctuary was and is a perfect place to land not only when you are struggling to get where you're going, but also as a place of discovery. The gates lead to grids, well known and lesser known, so that even an experienced grid jumper will learn something here.  

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Safari goes to Counter Earth

        Our middle destination in Week 160 was to the Gorean grid outer Earth. Most opensim people have heard of this grid, it is famous for the Turia market regions, where many an avatar has gone in search of skins, hair and furnishings. In recent months, the Counter Earth grid has begun undergoing a period of increased growth, with about ten new regions being developed. It is an exciting time, and  this visit was just a prelude to, we hope, many more visits. HG Addresses, as always, at the end of the post. And of course, there are loads more pictures of our visits, take by glorious safarians, on G+ and in Facebook

           If you would like to read about the first and last stops on this trip, please look for the post titled Safari and the Ladies of Legend
          Havoc Rau and Kindra Turian kindly invited us, but there were many other residents on hand t meet us on the default region, Sardar Faire. The plan was to send us off in groups of five to visit

Safari and the Ladies of Legend

         This is the first of two posts about this week's hypergrid trip. The other post talks about Counter Earth grid.  This post is about the first and last stops on our trip, HG Addresses are - as always - at the end of the post.
            Our first stop was on the Cherry Freebie region, where you can see - and copy - an archive of Cherry Manga's creations. We had one or two problems getting to the region...

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Week 160 Details

Here's the lineup for today's trip around the hyperverse. 
As usual, if you arrive a little later, or get lost and need help, jump over to the clubhouse on Francogrid (that's ) where there will be someone to help you. Or at least, that's the plan. 
Three stops this week... so all hold hands and travel light 

DESTINATION 1 Beautiful Cherry Freebie. Not only can you admire all the glorious 3D art of Cherry Manga, you can even take it home and play with it.... freebie

DESTINATION 2 Kindra Turian and Havok Rau welcome us to explore some more of Counter Earth
Tabuks Ford

There are about ten new projects in the works on Counter earth, we're invited to learn more about their expansion, and to visit two 'worlds' - Tabuks Ford and Iron Walls The tour begins on Sardar, the Welcome region of Counter Earth 

DESTINATION 3 Zia Frimon! Meet one of opensim's most admired creators, see her newly refurbished region, and pick up some more great free items. This is a Var region - so hypergridders may avoid problems by jumping first to LBSA on osgrid, then going to melodies garden is the address for LBSA, then look for melodies garden

Friday, October 6, 2017

Safari Does the Math

          Learning your sums has never been more fun! 
            The Safari visited Blanes on Craft grid this week (HG Addresses at the end of the post as usual). Themed around a Pirate Hunt game, Blanes is one of the regions where Edu3D bring fun and virtuality into education. 
         Craft grid is famed for the number of institutions that use its resources for academic purposes, and they have garnered a fine reputation for both security and stability.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Week 159 Details

This week just two stops, each 90 minutes.
 DESTINATION 1 is on Craft Grid, we visit the Edu3D group who organize learning activities on a number of regions. Our hosts are Giliola Giurgola, Salazhar Stenvaag, with Eva Kraai and Safari's own xSiberiax Ilfreddopurifica. The starting point for us today is Blanes, a sort of Pirate Island, where there is a hunting game. The presentation of Edu3D, its aims and plans for the future will be in English, the game is in Italian, so something for everyone there.

DESTINATION 2 is on OSgrid. Last week, the OSgrid admin and residents organized a fundraiser to try to replenish the coffers of this iconic grid, often called the Crossroads of the Metaverse. We drop in on the regular weekly dance party on Event Plaza to talk to Albertr Landar and Aussie Envee, to hear the DJ stylings of LaNani and Peter. Bring your questions and comments. How long have you had an OSgrid avatar and how have you seen the grid changed since your first arrival there? What's the most important aspect of OSgrid that you appreciate? What changes would you like to see? plaza

Thursday, September 28, 2017

A Bumblebee Safari

          They are large, noisy, and it was once thought that bumblebee flight defied the laws of physics. So, very much like the Safari experience, where anyone who is lag intolerant is going to fall at the first hurdle, but those brave souls who push through the freeze/chat lag/slow rez/crash/lost aspects of group hypergridding are rewarded by destinations that are positively blooming. This week we visited three destinations that are ripe, one might say, for cross pollination. Addresses at the end of the post, as always.

         Firstly we headed to Ignis Fatuus Grid. This francophone grid is without doubt one of the loveliest in the hyperverse. You could easily spend a month visiting the landscape and fantasy regions here, and still not see it all.