Thursday, June 8, 2017

A Triple Space Safari Part 2

This week, our final stop was at the International Space Museum, on Kitely. Rosa AlekseevShanna StarshipKat Lemieux and Mike Lorrey were inworld to welcome us and give us the tour. 
Rosa Alekseev: Welcome to ISM!
Mike Lorrey: how many are coming today?
Thirza Ember: well, we started out 24, but Outworldz had us crashing, so i don't know how many will survive
Lucy Afarensis: Thanks rough weather getting here

Mike Lorrey: Welcome to the International Spaceflight Museum, we are the same organization which operates in SL, we just have a little more room here, twice as much actually.  ISM is a Texas 501c3. Our mission is to document and exhibit all the worlds endeavors with spaceflight. 
Thirza Ember: what's your rl connection to space, guys?
Kat Lemieux: Thirza, I grew up with the space program since my dad was a chief engineer at the Cape in the 1960s

A Triple Space Safari

          This was week 150 of the Safari, and one might think that after a hundred and fifty trips around the hyperverse, we would have run out of new things to see, and just be tootling around previously seen places... if you think that, you could not be more wrong! 
Pangea, Metropolis

           Here are three amazing first looks for the Safari, on three iconic opensim grids. Details of how to get to each one at the end of the post, and you're definitely going to want to see all of these this summer. 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Safari Double Parks

              This week, once again, two destinations with a lot going on! We started on Kroatan Grid, and then went to explore 3rd Life grid (as usual, addresses at the end of the post)  where, once again, we got to meet the locals and get some of the backstory of the places we were seeing. 
               There's nothing better for appreciating your surroundings than to have a bit of context, don't you agree? So here's what we found out, hopefully you will take a trip to see these lovely places, and make some new friends.

              First up, Kroatan, a park-like grid, where the opensimworld Beacon registered our arrival and bumped us up to the top of the webpage... you could tell that, because suddenly some people from a Brazilian grid, and from  partydestinationgrid showed up, rather bemused to come across a crowd, it seemed. We invited them to join us, but it appeared that the concept of a tour group in hg was beyond their ken... maybe next time...

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Three years of HGSafari

          Sunshine Szavanna, Whirli Placebo, and Joao Frazao, with some help from the magical special effects of Cherry Manga, and in all about 60 friends and fellow conspirators, all came together to celebrate three years of crazy crashing, awesome art, intrepid investigating, and excessive exploring around the metaverse.

          Sunshine shared with us some fabulous World music, from Africa and Asia, on the theme of travel and family, both central to the hypergrid experience. 

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Safari Does Stuff

          This week was a whistle-stop tour through three smallish grids, each one uniquely beautiful and interesting.  This is the first post, please do check out all three. The grid addresses at the end of each post, so you can go and take a look for yourself... they're all well worth a visit! First up Phaandoria.

We landed in the shadow of a Linda Kellie creation, the Autumn Castle, a symbol in a way of the share-alike mentality this grid is famous for. Then we moved over to Nerdpol region, distinctly different in design... time for some fireworks!

Bill Blight's Beers and Cheers

   Our final stop this week was on the action-packed OpenSIm Life Grid, run by Bill Blight who took time out of his day to be with us.

George Equus: Hi Bill
Lucy Afarensis: rezzed fast for me
Bill Blight: great, I like to hear that
Sunbeam Magic: wow Bill you got all dressed up for us he hee
Bill Blight: yeah actually put a shirt and shoes on .. I feel overdressed

Thirza Ember: Beers and cheers that sounds like fun
Bill Blight: yes we have it every tuesday and friday nights... Sunny was the inspiration for it... she has the morning Coffee and Chat, so I spun one on the other side of the clock... Sunbeam could very easily inspire both beers and cheers ... LOL
Sunbeam Magic: shuffles feet and looks down at toes
Thirza Ember: Bill, so what's the story of the grid?
Bill Blight: well, I am disabled/retired .. Been in virtual worlds since they existed , and was starting to get a little disappointed in the state of some of the community. So I formed this grid with the motto of "Social not Stuff" Want it to be a place to come and DO things with friends not just compare inventories ..
snowbody Cortes: great motto !
Bill Blight: So I started building this grid with destinations to DO things in mind, not just shop. Stuff is great, people are better ..
Thirza Ember: You're well known for your scripting prowess
Bill Blight: well if it flies or drives on water here, I did the scripts from the ground up, so I'm not too shabby, I run the bleeding edge of OS code here, the latest and sometimes not the greatest, but I script specifically for it... my scripts are not made to work anywhere, tuned for here. Some grids that are on older code, sometimes don't like to talk to me, for the most part things work ok better most of the time... something about how I build, You will not see cramped or crammed spaces on my builds. I build wide open. Love the big spaces. more room to cam and move the most cramped places on my builds here are the houses, and my bunker which is camouflaged up on the hill
Thirza Ember: thanks Drang for the TP, crashed again
Bill Blight: Welcome back Crash .. I mean Thirza
snowbody Cortes: eheh
Sunbeam Magic: can we see your soccer field ?
Thirza Ember: that is an amazing game
Bill Blight: there is a HG safari tp there to the stadium

Lucy Afarensis: that worked well
Bill Blight SCORES!! for, Team FIRE
Flidais Merlin SCORES!! for, Team WATER
snowbody Cortes: super Bill !

Bill Blight shouts: if your scooter gets out of wack, click it and hit the "UPRIGHT" button
snowbody Cortes: ahahah Lucy
Lucy Afarensis: oops sorry
Sunbeam Magic: kick ass fun !!
snowbody Cortes: :))
Flidais Merlin SCORES!! for, Team FIRE
Sunbeam Magic: win
snowbody Cortes: I hold him ! go for it !
Bill Blight: everybody having fun?
snowbody Cortes: yes Bill !
Lucy Afarensis: glad this is virtual
snowbody Cortes: a very good job Bill !
Sunbeam Magic: we got to get grid teams going ;))
Bill Blight:  some chat lag but with this many people moving this fast not surprising
Sunbeam Magic: working great for me
snowbody Cortes: snow is dead
Bill Blight: click your board.. there ya go
snowbody Cortes: ty done ! I got it ! Sun as the ball ;)
Sunbeam Magic: hey i was gonna make a goal!!!   WINNNNNNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Flidais Merlin: that is a lot of fun
Bill Blight: It is fun and addictive
Sunbeam Magic: yeah I could play for hours
Flidais Merlin: yes and fast
Bill Blight: .9dev with ubODE physics
Sunbeam Magic: where next Bill ?

Bill Blight: jet ski track .
Bill Blight: off to the track!

           But it was already midnight here in Europe and better angels demanded a sensible bedtime... so we left our American cousins to the watersports, with a promise to return. 'Social not Stuff' is an excellent credo, one to live by.
That concludes the three part trip for this week. Thanks to all the grid owners for sharing their worlds with us.  Thanks to you for reading about it!  Different parts of the world, different styles and themes, yet one thing links them all - generous creativity. Viva OpenSim
HG Address:

Paradise of Jade

 Our second stop this week was on Jade Serenity's smallish grid.

Jade was waiting for us on Serenity.
Bink Draconia: hello jade
Thirza Ember: another notch on everyone's hypergrid belt
Sunbeam Magic: Love Jadeyland ! and Jade !
Lucy Afarensis: Hi Jade

Jade Serenity: welcome to my desk top computer LooL!
snowbody Cortes waving in between the keys :)
Thirza Ember: my main computer is offline this week so I'm on a steam-driven machine so apologies if I am a bit slow
Lucy Afarensis: You can run them on steam ?
Drang Po: you can access opensim from steam?
Sunbeam Magic: Steampunk Thirza Woooot hoo!
Thirza Ember shovelling coal into this thing, it's thirsty work
George Equus: Hi Jade.  tp was fast and all rezed just fine :)
snowbody Cortes: she supposed to run 2 thirzas on that pc .. so it wrote her 10 or 20 OMG .. then it crashed ;)
arcanquest frank: hello :)
Jade Serenity: the notecard giver over here has story and LMs for you, there is Hope forest, and a place of whimsy and a floating dance island and a medieval town
Thirza Ember: I love the names here.... Serenity, hope... all positive vibes
Lucy Afarensis: There was a sim called Serenitie on sl or something like that I used to visit. any relation to that ?
Jade Serenity: no I lived in Winterfell in SL

Spike Sol: its a great region here
Sunbeam Magic: how big a var is this ?
Jade Serenity: 4x4,  it is all on my desktop computer.
Bink Draconia: i grabbed the nc and i will explore this region another time. it looks really great and i am curious about all the places here .... but  for today i have to say: good night everybody
Flidais Merlin: 'nite

Sunbeam Magic: Good night Bink!!! HUGS and sweet dreams
Jade Serenity: Has it rezzed?
Lucy Afarensis: Most of it
Thirza Ember: this is a nice comfy computer Jade is it windows?
Jade Serenity: I used to be windows but now it is Linux  version 8.2
snowbody Cortes: Linux ! may I ask which distribution ?
George Equus: curious about the hardware specifications :)
snowbody Cortes: eheh George
George Equus: This works very well for me
Jade Serenity: hardware is AMD phenom hardware :P old
Thirza Ember: this steam powered laptop is not cooperating
Jade Serenity: awww :(
George Equus: My server hardware is 8 years old....
Drang Po: needs more water/
Lucy Afarensis: try gerbil power ?

snowbody.Cortes: Linux can renew an old hardware ;)
Jade Serenity: i am going to click my "Media" and head to the dance island
George Equus: Linux and me are not compatible  :((
snowbody Cortes: no George ? aww
George Equus: run it on Windows 7 Pro, UNIX is too complicated stuff for me
Lucy Afarensis: Just had a windows server crash with ransom ware
snowbody Cortes: well that's true George but some distribution like Ubunto are very user-friendly
Drang Po: yes and I have setup step by step for ubuntu on our website :)
Jade Serenity: if you like "weather"  there is a weather map in the beach house
George Equus: The forest is quite wonderful!
Jade Serenity: you should be hearing Jazz music here
Sunbeam Magic: I love to explore ;))
Lucy Afarensis: This really works well for a home computer, maybe you all could visit my home studio in michigan some time

snowbody Cortes: I love to explore as well
Thirza Ember: where in the world - the real world - are we, Jade?
Lucy Afarensis : maybe you all could visit my home studio in michigan some time
George Equus: Working very very well Jade!
Jade Serenity: Connecticut, US

George Equus: well CONNECTed...  :)

Jade Serenity: i am thrilled you can here the jazz music
Thirza Ember: WHOOOOA Drang Po looks like James Bond ... or john Travolta? looking smoooooth
Drang Po: tryed this on with out looking at my self...
Jade Serenity: i thought it quite nice Drang :D
snowbody Cortes: "my name is .. James Drang ...."
Drang Po: Drang, James Drang

Thirza Ember: how long have you been in Virtual Jade, and were you always a builder/landscape maker?
Jade Serenity: oh I started on Zetaworld a complete newbie. I still cannot friend helped me download and run opensim on my pc

George Equus: hmm,,, for not being creative  this is pretty darn good
snowbody Cortes: I agree George
George Equus wonders if Jade is for hire...
Sunbeam Magic: Jade has quite the talent for placement of item s :))
Jade Serenity: awww you are very sweet, i have walked every square inch of this sim
Sunbeam Magic: probably a few time eh ?
Jade Serenity: like a painting... base colors... then grass, trees, clouds... sounds and scripts....
George Equus: seriously, one of the best regions I have seen, the short while I spent below. natural... sound scape... love it
Jade Serenity: and my computer I cannot see my sim very well, i cannot load shadows or distance
George Equus: I will definitely return to spend some time here

Thirza Ember: it's a beautiful environment  and we haven't broken it!
Jade Serenity: still dancing to meditation music? ..... aw you guys are really sweet
Sunbeam Magic: Safarians dance to anything lol
Lucy Afarensis: or sit on it
Sunbeam Magic: Bartender, give that guy in the white suit a 'Martini, shaken not stirred'
Jade Serenity: 11 people.... two still at the home plate

Thirza Ember: we need more medieval clothing so we can do a medieval safari here... we can dress up as robin hood and his merry men
Jade Serenity: my town is a poor one- but I am setting up some castles to the south
Sunbeam Magic: I do believe a medieval fairy would still look about the same though rofl
Thirza Ember: Drang can be the Sheriff, I volunteer me and Sunbeam to be Wenches
Sunbeam Magic: I'd be a wench, they are like blondes of that century, they had more fun !
Jade Serenity: giggle, I have a couple wenches in the town at the pub
Thirza Ember: we could be girl plumbers, sunny... wenches with wrenches

Sunbeam Magic: we could fix everyone's pipes
Thirza Ember: George can get some medieval socks, Flidais has a name that already sounds medieval
Flidais Merlin: Yes Arthurian, called Taliesin in SL
Sunbeam Magic: Flidais (pronounced flee-ish) is a complex Celtic Goddess with many differing stories and aspects
Flidais Merlin: did you just make that up?
Sunbeam Magic: no I googled it ;))
Flidais Merlin: I took the names from the Gay Gavriel Kay books - the Fionavar Trilogy
Sunbeam Magic: I always wonder where folks get their names from
        Tosha Tyran joined us at this point in the Safari. If you ever want to join the group but can't make it at the very beginning of our trip, just friend one of the Safari regulars, and ask them for a TP, they will be happy to bring you over to join us! Sunbeam Magic: TOSHA!!!!!!!! huggles
Jade Serenity: whats a tosha?
Sunbeam Magic: an extremely talented gal ;)) she is on Craft. She was in SL with Lumiere Noir who passed a way a few years ago now... he did the Ivory Towers

Flidais Merlin: yesSunbeam Magic: and a building tutorial system that is great.
Jade Serenity: oh my where can i see that building thing?
Sunbeam Magic: Tosha keeps his towers up and alive and we celebrate his life stillJade Serenity: unless it is Blender...
George Equus: strictly prims, learned a lot from him...  just how to make the perfect stair...  secret is the Control Box  :))
Jade Serenity: oh dear I need stairs to a castle below

Thirza Ember: I hate to break it to you guys... but our time here is up, we're due at Bill's place...: hugs Jade and thank you for sharing this special place
George Equus: Thank you very much Jade
Tosha Tyran: this really is a beautiful place
Jade Serenity: this place is always running,: never off... thank you SO much for coming
