The 3rd Wind steering committee had just finished their meeting in the Infinity Classroom, and were getting ready for the weekend community meet-up. How lovely to be back at the Lyonesse Colony, now located on Zetaworlds grid.
It has been just about three months to the day since 3rd Rock, one of Opensim's oldest grids, closed its doors due to a series of events that had nothing to do with the solidarity and friendship of the residents.

As a group, they decided to find a new home (you may have read a bit about that process
in this post). It's a story worth telling because, out of what could have been a huge tragedy, has come a great success story.It was so nice to meet up with old friends and new, the elected members of the 3rd Wind community steering committee.
The committee includes
Jedburgh Dagger,
Ellemir Maven,
Kestral Roffo, plus
Dolfke Barbosa, who is Chief Security Officer in the Star trek Infinity group, and also there to help solve any issues 3rd Wind members may experience on the new grid. Then too there's
Nila Mari who's the 3rd Wind Treasurer, and produces the Starfleet Infinity Newsletter. And finally
Alia Soulstar - she is tireless in her work for the Starfleet rp group and the wider 3rd Wind community, doing a lots of building, organizing, researching and planning.
Kestrel Roffo, Nila Mari, and Dolfke Barbosa |
Alia Soulstar: Nila is a community asset who just happens to be a lovely person on the side
Dolfke Barbosa: Nila does a few excellent jobs here for us all - we have a newsletter too, right Nila?
Dolfke Barbosa: Due to Alia's and others great work, I am able to call this here home again, Thirza, and much from 3RG is imported here, Land as well as Avatars
Touring the Starfleet Infinity build, you'd be forgiven for feeling nothing had changed for this RP group. In reality, after it became abundantly clear that the old grid couldn't be saved, a huge amount of work had to be done retrieving .oars, rethinking the way the new regions would be laid out, and transferring personal and group inventory. That was after the group did plenty of research and some serious thinking before choosing their new home, an enclave on ZetaWorlds grid.