Two horse riding opportunities this week, and two beautiful places to visit any time. The Safari group was honored to be the first visitors to the latest grand attraction on Outworldz, where 16 regions of ancient history, NPCs, architecture and drama awaited us (the good kind of drama, Shakespearean, naturally) and then an opportunity to meditate in the vast open spaces of the Rift Valley on Afar, OSGrid. HG Addresses at the end of the post as always.
Pharos of Alexandria |
Egypt is a collaborative build, bringing together the creative talents of
Debbie Edwards aka
Nyira Machabelli, Joe Builder and of course the legendary
Ferd Frederix.
Avia Bonne also did some of the artwork, she's a talented lady. Outworldz is a great grid with many themed activities - Dragons, Fairy Tales, and the African bush to mention just a few. The
Outworldz website is undisputably Opensim's greatest treasure.